In a study published by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, authors concluded the infrastructure of the Internet is at risk due to global warming and rising sea levels. “Thousands of miles of buried fiber optic cable in densely populated coastal regions of the United States may soon be inundated by rising seas….” “Most of the damage […]
Category Archives: Environment
Rising Sea Level and the Internet
Also posted in Global Warming, Internet, Science
Tagged climate change, fiber optics, rising sea levels, sea level rise
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Climate Change Hammers US Coasts
In a report published by NOAA, the 2017 nation‐wide average annual frequency of high tide flooding hit an all‐time record. If high tide flooding in 2018 follows historical patterns, flooding will be most common during the winter (Dec‐Feb) along the West Coast and the northern section of Northeast Atlantic Coast in response to winter storms […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, floods, high tide flooding, sea level rise
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Can You Weather The Whether?
Sidd says: i can’t believe anybody is moving to the coast. But apparently some people like throwing their money into the ocean. paper on Miami Dade climate effect on real estate appreciation the higher the better… paper is at may affect us at some point. lets b careful not to post more than […]
Also posted in Education, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance
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9 Out of 10 People Breath Polluted Air
In a new release from the World Health Organization (WHO), “air pollution levels remain dangerously high.” Updated estimations reveal an alarming death toll of 7 million people every year caused by ambient (outdoor) and household air pollution. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO said, “It is unacceptable that over 3 billion people – most […]
Also posted in Global Warming, health and wellness, Medicine, Science, Society
Tagged air pollution, climate change
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When Your Property Goes Underwater
The right to the free flow of water has long maintained “public right-of-way easements” in the United States. In general, if a waterway is navigable, it is a public right-of-way; however, the results of climate change and rising sea levels have turned people’s private property into navigable waterways. An article in Bloomberg entitled The Fighting […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, flooding, property values, public right of way easements, real estate, rising sea levels
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California Increasing Weather Volatility
One of the most notable changes in weather doing to global warming is volatility. “We are not saying that the Earth’s temperature is just going to rise. In general, as energy is added to a system, the fluctuations in the system increase. So, we expect more storms, more droughts, more wildfires, more floods, more fluctuations […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, drought, extreme weather events, flooding, floods
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Glaciers Are Vanishing
Around the world glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. The World Glacier Monitoring Service publishes a survey of the mass changes from glaciers. In their latest survey, the found “The average mass balance of the glaciers with available long-term observation series around the world continues to be negative, with tentative figures indicating a further […]
Also posted in Global Warming
Tagged glaciers, melting, rising sea level, sea level rise
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Flood Risk Denial
Climate change is causing extreme weather events. In addition, climate change is causing the sea level to rise. In an article for, anthropologist David Casagrande asks, “When people’s homes are damaged by flooding year after year and they are offered a buyout, why don’t they leave?” “In some cases, houses on Smith Island in […]
Also posted in Global Warming, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, denial, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea leverls
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Rising Flood Frequency
The Journal Nature published an article entitled “Attack of the extreme floods: As the oceans rise, researchers aim to forecast where severe storms will trigger the worst flooding.” “the height of what constitutes a 50-year flood event has risen by more than 10 centimeters per decade in some places” “A rule of thumb holds that […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, real estate, rising sea levels
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Buyer Beware: Flood and Storm Damage
As sea levels rise and storms become more volatile, some areas are actually reducing their standards for building codes. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety released their 2018 report. The analysis assesses the progress of 18 hurricane-prone coastal states along the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast in strengthening their residential building […]
Also posted in Global Warming
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, hurricanes
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