The World Meteorological Organization (WHO) issued a report that states records for 2016: a record global temperature exceptionally low sea ice unabated sea level rise ocean heat Extreme weather and climate conditions have continued into 2017. “This report confirms that the year 2016 was the warmest on record – a remarkable 1.1 °C above the […]
Category Archives: Science
Climate Change Breaks Multiple Records with Global Impacts
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, International
Tagged climate change, CO2, coral bleaching, droughts, extreme weather events, floods, green house gases, ice melting, sea level rising, wildfires
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Atlantic City Going Under
by Daniel Brouse For decades businesses located on the island of Atlantic City have been scenario planning for climate change and rising sea levels. At the turn of the century, the casinos devised a plan to float their businesses and ferry gamblers in. Now, the rising waters are no longer a scenario. So-called “nuisance flooding” […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged Atlantic City, beaches, climate change, new jersey, sea level rising, shore
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Air Pollution: Getting All Choked Up
By Daniel Brouse Air pollution may be the largest problem facing the world. Emissions of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases are causing irreversible climate change. Since the effects of global warming take years to become apparent, many people don’t even notice the change; however, air pollution is already the leading cause of death worldwide. […]
Also posted in children, Education, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Medicine
Tagged air pollution, climate change, death, health, ozone, particle pollution
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Antarctica And Rising Sea Level
by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee The U.N. weather agency said the Antarctic peninsula has set a heat record of 63.5° Fahrenheit (17.5 degrees Celsius) on March 24, 2015. In March of 2017, there is about 10% less sea ice in Antarctica than the previous record minimum. “One would probably say that the old record […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, Global Warming
Tagged Antarctica, climate change, sea level rising, Thwaites Glacier, WAIS, West Antarctic Ice Sheet
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Bottom Of The Ocean Trashed
by Daniel Brouse EARTH — How much of the Earth have humans polluted? Scientists sent robots to the bottom of the ocean… deeper than man has ever explored. The findings are disturbing. “We often think deep-sea trenches are remote and pristine, untouched by humans,” says Alan Jamieson, a deep-ocean researcher at the University of Aberdeen, […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, International
Tagged climate change, ocean, PCB, pollution, seas
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Protectionism: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Wars
by Daniel Brouse Protectionism is the theory or practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by restricting imports. There are no known benefits to protectionism. The costs of protectionism include being financially destructive, negatively impacting health and wellness, as well as, causing death. (also see: Trade War! What Is It Good For?) […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, freedom, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, liberty, Politics, taxes, War And Peace
Tagged Donald Trump, Golden Rice, protectionism, The Great Depression, trade wars, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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Trade War! What Is It Good For?
By Daniel Brouse International Economics 101 What do you think of when you hear the term “trade war”? The costs and benefits to society are very similar to traditional warfare. 1) Financial Cost. A war is expensive. In a trade war, huge tariffs are placed on the purchase of imports. A tariff is a sales […]
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, Medicine, Politics, Religion, War And Peace
Tagged costs, Economics, trade war
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The Demise Of The USA: Will China Takeover?
By Daniel Brouse UNITED STATES — President Trump has done more to damage the environment in his first days of office than any President in history. He has pledged to withdraw from the Paris treaty. The Paris Treaty was the most extensive agreement to address climate change and the first time China and India joined-in. […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, Donald Trump, The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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Hottest Year
By Daniel Brouse For The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment 2016 was Earth’s warmest year in at least the last 125,000 years. It marks the third record year in a row. NOAA reported, “The globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for 2016 was the highest among all years since record keeping began in […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, International, weather
Tagged climate change, ice melting, record temperature
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Losing 10 Billion Trees Per Year
Part of the study Foliage Spoilage & the Trees’ Canopy Collapse Thomas Crowther is a Yale Climate & Energy Institute postdoctoral fellow at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) and led a study and census of the world’s trees (2015). The study determined there are 3 trillion trees on Earth; however, the […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Education, Environment, Global Warming, Trees
Tagged climate change, tree death
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