PHILADELPHIA, PA — What is up with the weather? Yes, we have seen some freaky storms over the past few years. Global warming is expected to cause volatile weather patterns. Indeed, that is what we have been experiencing; however, overall the Northern Hemisphere is showing a steady decline in snowfall. NOAA: Average of monthly snow […]
Category Archives: Science
Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover is Retreating
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, weather
Tagged climate change, Environment, ethanol, global wamring, green house gases, ising temperature, lack of snow, pollution, snowfall, stormss, volatile weather patterns
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Earthrise On Christmas
This photo of “Earthrise” over the lunar horizon was taken by the Apollo 8 crew on December 24, 1968, showing Earth for the first time as it appears from deep space. Astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William Anders had become the first humans to leave Earth orbit, entering lunar orbit on Christmas Eve. In […]
Also posted in Space
Tagged astronauts, Earth from space, first color photo of Earth, lunar, NASA, space
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Rocky Mountain Snow
In time for the 2012 winter solstice, a storm dropped snow over most of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. On December 20, the National Weather Service reported snow depths exceeding 100 centimeters (39 inches) in some places—the result of the recent snowfall plus accumulation from earlier storms. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) […]
NASA Crashing Rockets Into the Moon
PASADENA, CA. — NASA conducted a lunar surface impact mission of its twin Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft Monday, Dec. 17. The event was broadcast on NASA Television and streamed on the agency’s website. The two probes hit a mountain near the lunar north pole at approximately 2:28 p.m. Monday, bringing their successful […]
Top 10 Causes Of Death
A newly published study called “The Global Burden Of Disease” details the state of world health. Although the human lifespan is increasing, the amount of healthy years is not. The top ten causes of death are: World Deaths in millions % of deaths Ischaemic heart disease 7.25 12.8% Stroke and other cerebrovascular disease 6.15 10.8% […]
Also posted in children, Education, health and wellness, Medicine
Tagged AIDS, diabetes, diarrhea, disease, fitness, global burden of disease, health, heart disease, ill, infection, life, lifestyles, living, repiratory, sick, sickness, traffic accidents, wellness, world
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Are Bio-fuels Worse for the Environment?
by Daniel Brouse The Membrane Domain Q: Are bio-fuels, ethanol, and re-cycled restaurant oils worse for the environment? A: Yes. The more volatile nature and ozone emissions used as a fossil fuel substitute appear to be much more harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. Though fossil fuels need to be eliminated as soon as […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Politics, taxes
Tagged bio-diesel, biofuel, climate change, dangers, enivronment, ethanol, food, fossil fuels, fraud, global warming, Government, important issues. bio-fuel, myth, ocean temperatures, pollutions, President, re-cycled restaurant oils, trees, United States, warming
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Northeastern Earthquakes
Philadelphia, PA — There was an earthquake in Camden, NJ. In the past several years, the region has become aware of earthquakes. The USGS says: Tectonic Summary EARTHQUAKES IN THE NEW YORK – PHILADELPHIA – WILMINGTON URBAN CORRIDOR Since colonial times people in the New York – Philadelphia – Wilmington urban corridor have felt small […]
Also posted in Education, Environment
Tagged Camden, earthquake maps, earthquakes, fault line maps, fault lines, new jersey, Northeastern United States, Pennsylvania
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California’s First Cap-and-Trade Auction
CALIFORNIA, USA — It has been a long time coming, but finally the United States has started creating a market to tax pollution. The Environmental Defense Fund says: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released the results from California’s first cap-and-trade auction held last Wednesday, November 14. The CARB summary report demonstrates that the auction […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government
Tagged auction, California, cap-and-trade, carbon market, carbon tax, climate change, emissions trading, Environment, pollution, United States
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Grasshoppers Pump-up the Volume for Sex
What do grasshoppers do to deal with human’s noise pollution? PARIS – For city grasshoppers, noise just isn’t cricket. Loud traffic drowns out the song the male grasshopper makes, rubbing a toothed file on his hind legs against a protruding vein on his front wings, to lure a mate. But, German biologists have discovered, […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, music
Tagged . sound, grasshoppers, humans, loud, mating calls, noise pollution, volume
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3D Fetus Models
Tthe Parkside Hiroo Ladies Clinic in Tokyo is partnering with Japanese engineering company Fasotec to produce a 3D model of fetuses. The process is being called the “Shape of an Angel”. The model is created though a multi-step process that converts an MRI scan of the mother’s womb to an the image that is then […]
Also posted in Business, children, health and wellness, Medicine, Society
Tagged 3D Fetus Model, 3D printer, babies, cat scan, pregnant, Shape Of An Angel, ultrasound
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