by Daniel Brouse 2016 and 2023 In 2016, I had said: What will create the change needed? The oil industry is going to be like the tobacco industry. The consumers are going to claim they were misled about the dangers of burning fossil fuels and will file lawsuits against the oil companies. You will not […]
Category Archives: Environment
Climate Change and Cigarette Litigation
Also posted in Energy, Global Warming, Science
Tagged Business, climate change, ExxonMobil, fossil fuels, lawsuits, litigation
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Green Energy Technology Stocks
WARNING: an investor should become familiar with their rights and responsibilities as an owner PRIOR to investing. This is a beginner-intermediate level climate and investor activist portfolio. Stocks are not listed in any particular order. Some of the best performing stocks are not listed because of their questionable environmental impact, business ethics, and country of […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, investing, investments, stocks
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Managed Retreat: Relocating Due to Climate Change Extreme Weather Events
The Politico article Dream homes and disasters: Is the government ready to confront climate risk? explains the need for “Managed Retreat”. “The fact that official Washington is finally addressing the concept of some areas being too vulnerable to insure is noteworthy….” “For decades, lawmakers and federal agencies in Washington, D.C., have resisted taking harsh action […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, FEMA, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Global Carbon Budget 2022
The Global Carbon Budget 2022 was published by Earth System Science Data. The report says if emissions aren’t brought down, the world will use up its 1.5-degree-Celsius carbon budget — the amount of CO2 we can emit and stay within 1.5C — within nine years. After go beyond 1.5C the amount of tipping points crossed […]
Also posted in Energy, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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1/3 of World Heritage Glaciers Will Disappear by 2050
The United Nations says, “New UNESCO data highlight the accelerated melting of glaciers in World Heritage sites, with glaciers in a third of sites set to disappear by 2050. But it is still possible to save the other two thirds, if the rise in global temperatures does not exceed 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period.” […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Antarctica and Greenland Ice Melt Faster Than Anticipated
Antarctica’s Collapse Could Begin Even Sooner Than Anticipated The article in Scientific American states, “Two expeditions to the Thwaites Ice Shelf have revealed that it could splinter apart in less than a decade, hastening sea-level rise worldwide. “As Scambos and Wild gazed down from their Twin Otter plane this past January, they spotted several new […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Antarctic Ice Sheet and Accelerating Ice loss
A discovery made by researchers at Imperial College London, the University of Waterloo, Canada, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, and Newcastle University, shows a river longer than the Thames beneath Antarctic ice sheet. The study explains how the Antarctic ice sheet has a river running under it. The headline “longer than the Thames” isn’t the thrust of […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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The Missing Risks of Climate Change
The Journal Nature published the report The missing risks of climate change. The paper found that there are many risks associated with climate change that are not being considered in economic analysis. (The Climate Endgame also found inadequacies in current risk management analysis.) Abstract The risks of climate change are enormous, threatening the lives and […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged anthropogenic climate change risks, climate change, extreme weather events, flooding, real estate, rising sea level, risk management, risks
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Climate Change: No Credible Pathway to 1.5C Limit
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) insisted there is “no credible pathway to 1.5C in place.” The report Climate change: No ‘credible pathway’ to 1.5C limit found: National pledges to reduce harmful emissions offer little hope of avoiding climate disaster, UN climate experts said on Thursday, in an urgent appeal for a radical transformation of the […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Politics, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Climate Plans Remain Insufficient: More Ambitious Action Needed Now
The UN’s United in Science 2022 release their report A multi-organization high-level compilation of the most recent science related to climate change, impacts and responses. In order to avoid catastrophic climate change, greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030. Currently, greenhouse gas emissions will INCREASE by 13% by 2030. “According to […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, feedback loops, rising sea level
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