One of the most notable changes in weather doing to global warming is volatility. “We are not saying that the Earth’s temperature is just going to rise. In general, as energy is added to a system, the fluctuations in the system increase. So, we expect more storms, more droughts, more wildfires, more floods, more fluctuations […]
Category Archives: Science
California Increasing Weather Volatility
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, weather
Tagged climate change, drought, extreme weather events, flooding, floods
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Flood Risk Denial
Climate change is causing extreme weather events. In addition, climate change is causing the sea level to rise. In an article for, anthropologist David Casagrande asks, “When people’s homes are damaged by flooding year after year and they are offered a buyout, why don’t they leave?” “In some cases, houses on Smith Island in […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness
Tagged climate change, denial, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea leverls
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Rising Flood Frequency
The Journal Nature published an article entitled “Attack of the extreme floods: As the oceans rise, researchers aim to forecast where severe storms will trigger the worst flooding.” “the height of what constitutes a 50-year flood event has risen by more than 10 centimeters per decade in some places” “A rule of thumb holds that […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, real estate, rising sea levels
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Floridians: You’re At Risk of Flooding
If you purchase real estate in a flood plain and obtain a mortgage, you will be required to purchase flood insurance. Roy Wright oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program. In a presentation to the Insurance-& Risk-Linked Securities Conference, Wright said to forget about checking the flood plain maps and check […]
Also posted in Environment, Finance, Global Warming, Government
Tagged climate change, FEMA, flood insurance, flood plain, flooding, Florida, real estate
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San Francisco Bay’s Double Whammy
by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee Coastal communities are being forced to adapt to rising sea levels; however, San Francisco has an even bigger problem — sinking land. In a report published in Science Advances (07 Mar 2018: Vol. 4, no. 3, eaap9234 / DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aap9234), the Bay Area has to face both rising sea […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged exceedance probability, FEMA, flood insurance, flooding, floodplain, land subsidence, sea level rise
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Underwater: Sea Level Rise
In a recent study by Matthias Mengel, Alexander Nauels, Joeri Rogelj & Carl-Friedrich Schleussner entitled “Committed sea-level rise under the Paris Agreement and the legacy of delayed mitigation action” published in the Journal Nature, the authors contend — sea levels will rise between 0.7 and 1.2 meters (27-47 inches) in the next two centuries even […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, International
Tagged climate change, NOAA, rising sea level, sea level rise, Sea Level Rise Viewer
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Climate Science Special Report: Human Induced
The Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), Volume I has determined that climate change is being unduly accelerated by human activities. The report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. It represents the first of two volumes of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, mandated by the […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, Medicine, weather
Tagged atmospheric temperatures, climate change, diminishing snow cover, extreme weather events, greenhouse gases, increasing atmospheric water vapor, melting glaciers, ocean acidification, oceanic temperatures, rising sea levels, shrinking sea ice, surface temperatures
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New York City Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change
The most likely force to cause a change in climate change is money. New York City is filing a law suit against five major oil companies (BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell), claiming they have contributed to global warming. Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city will seek billions of dollars in […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, International, Law
Tagged climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, law suits
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Climate Disasters Made for Costliest Year
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports: 2017 will be remembered as a year of extremes for the U.S. as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought, fires and freezes claimed hundreds of lives and visited economic hardship upon the nation. Recovery from the ravages of three major Atlantic hurricanes making landfall in the U.S. and an […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, International
Tagged death, drought, extreme weather events, fires, floods, global warming, hurricanes, tornadoes
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2017 3rd Warmest Year
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports: The average U.S. temperature in 2017 was 54.6 degrees F (2.6 degrees F above average), making 2017 third warmest year in 123 years of record-keeping, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. In fact, the five warmest years on record for the U.S. all […]