The Membrane Domain has been conducting research on climate change since 1999. Don’t you hate it when this happens? The ABC, Australia’s public broadcaster, is reporting: The world’s top scientists have given their clearest warning yet of the severe and irreversible impacts of climate change. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has […]
Category Archives: Global Warming
Greenhouse Gas Levels at Highest Point in 800,000 Years
Also posted in Energy, Environment
Tagged climate change, extreme, global warming, severe and irreversible impacts
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Turning Water Into Electricity
It is possible to turn water into electricity. Solar energy is one of the cleanest and cheapest ways to convert liquid H2O into steam. The energy in steam is 9 times greater than the energy in the same weight of boiling water. The math suggests that each gallon of evaporated water is equal to running […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, global warming, solar energy, solutions, Turning Water Into Electricity
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The Costs of Solar Energy
A lot of the environmental costs of solar depend on how the panels and batteries are produced, transported and disposed of… and most importantly how the energy is stored. As renewable energy grows, storage will become a greater problem. In general, we would be better off producing energy like the sun (fusion) than trying to […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Science
Tagged batteries, climate change, evaporation, fusion, global warming, Nuclear Energy, nuclear fusion, solar panels, storage, The Economics of Turning Water into Electricity, toxic waste, turn water into electricity, water
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Heading Toward Hottest Year On Record
The The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released a report showing “Global temperature reaches record high in September”. Global Highlights The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was the highest on record for September, at 0.72°C (1.30°F) above the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F). The global land […]
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion offers the most hope at rectifying human induced climate change. Nuclear fusion is how the sun works. In a press release, Lockheed Martin states a breakthrough: The Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] Skunk Works® team is working on a new compact fusion reactor (CFR) that can be developed and deployed in as little as […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Science
Tagged alternative energy, climate change, global warming, nuclear fusion
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Colorado River Running Dry
NASA reports: A new study by scientists from NASA and the University of California, Irvine, has found that over 75 percent of the water loss in the drought-stricken Colorado River Basin since late 2004 came from underground resources. The extent of groundwater loss may pose a greater threat to the water supply of the western […]
Also posted in Environment, Science
Tagged California, climate change, Colorado River, drought
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Climate-related Health Risks
The World Health Organization calls for stronger action on climate-related health risks: “The evidence is overwhelming: climate change endangers human health,” says Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. “Solutions exist and we need to act decisively to change this trajectory.” Previously unrecognized health benefits could be realized from fast action to reduce climate change and its […]
Also posted in health and wellness
Tagged children, climate change, diseases, extreme weather, extreme weather events, food insecurity, global warming, health risks, impact of heat, infectious disease
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Strange July Weather
NASA reports that North America weather patterns for July 2014 were upside down: If you live in the northern hemisphere, the past few weeks have been strange. In places where it should be seasonably hot—the eastern and southern United States and western Europe—it’s just been warm. In places where weather is usually mild in the […]
Also posted in Environment, Science, weather
Tagged climage change, extreme weather events, global warming, jet stream, ocean temperatures, precipitation, winds
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Consequences Of Climate Change
NASA scientists warn: Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss […]
Also posted in Environment
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, global warming
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Climate Change and the Presidental Action Plan
The President’s Plan to Cut Carbon Pollution in America Reducing Carbon Pollution from Power Plants Power plants are the largest major source of emissions in the U.S., together accounting for roughly one-third of all domestic greenhouse gas pollution. PROGRESS: In September 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced proposed carbon pollution standards for new power […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Government, Law, Politics
Tagged Clean Energy Infrastructure, climate change, coal power plants, global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, The President's Plan to Cut Carbon Pollution in America
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