One of the only taxes that makes sense is a pollution tax. A progressive income tax is perhaps the worst type of taxation. Why would you want to tax people for being productive… then, tax them higher the more productive they are? These countries currently have taxes on carbon emissions: Australia, India, South Korea, Japan, […]
Author Archives: admin
Tax Pollution
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Politics, Science
Tagged cap-and-trade, carbon credits, carbon emissions, climate change, emissions trading, global warming, greenhouse gases, offset progams, pollution reduction systems, pollution tax, stop global warming
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Disappearing Ice Sheets, Glaciers and Arctic Sea Ice
The U.N.’s panel on global warming warns: Over the last two decades, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing mass, glaciers have continued to shrink almost worldwide, and Arctic sea ice and Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover have continued to decrease in extent (high confidence). • The average rate of ice loss 8 […]
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming
Tagged Antarctic ice sheets, Arctic sea ice, climate change, glaciers, global warming, Greenland, human activity, melting
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Why Doesn’t Global Warming Feel Warmer?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). The report states that “warming of the climate system is unequivocal.” Then, why doesn’t it feel that much hotter? Because most of the rise in temperature is in the water: Ocean warming dominates the increase in energy stored in the climate […]
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, global warming, human activity, human induced, ocean temperature, oceans, rising temperature, sea level
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Oldest Bog Mummy Discovered
A human cadaver that has been naturally mummified within a peat bog is known as a bog body. The BBC reports, “Compressed by the peat that has preserved his remains, he looks like a squashed, dark leather holdall. Apart, that is, from one forlorn arm that stretches out and upward and tells us something of […]
Posted in Science
Tagged 4000 years old, bog body, bronze age, human, oldest body, oldest bog mummy
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U.N.: Humans Induce Climate Change
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that “we cannot accept a rising tide that floats only some boats and leaves many to drown.” Ban Ki-moon has been taking a strong stance on global warming. His latest efforts include getting world leaders to admit humans are impacting climate change. Most people would think this is a given. […]
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged adapting, climate change, diseases, effects on health, extremely likely, global warming, health, heat, human activity, human induced, illness, impact of humans, weather, welleness
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Hawaii Most Severe Manmade Disaster: Molasses Spill
Hawaii is in a sticky situation. An estimated 233,000 gallons of thick molasses spilled from a pipeline that was filling a cargo ship. The massive spill has killed just about everything in Honolulu Harbor. “There’s nothing alive there at all,” diver Roger White said after making a video of dead sea life blanketing the bottom […]
Belief in Anthropogenic Climate Change
From the American Meteorological Society A series of polls provides new tests for how weather influences public beliefs about climate change. Statewide data from 5000 random-sample telephone interviews conducted on 99 days over 2.5 yr (2010–12) are merged with temperature and precipitation indicators derived from U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) station records. The surveys carry […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, weather
Tagged climate change, Environment, events, extreme weather, floods, global warming, rain, sea level, volatile
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War: Syria, Russia, Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan
Does the impending war with Syria leave you with a feeling of deja vu? Perhaps it is because we are about to repeat our mistake. In the 1980’s, Russia was fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The CIA aided Al-Qaeda: “During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe […]
Posted in freedom, Government, International, Law, Politics, War And Peace
Tagged Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, CIA, jihad, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Soviet, Syria, United States, USA, war
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