Most of Trump’s policies are based on common misconceptions and in fact contradict established economic principles.. To begin with, the U.S. government often subsidizes companies to keep operations domestic. This can make our products more expensive and our businesses less efficient and competitive. A notable example is electric vehicles (EVs). The U.S. heavily subsidizes EVs, […]
Category Archives: War And Peace
Protectionism 101: Trump Economics
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, freedom, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, liberty, Politics, Science, Society, taxes
Tagged economy, real estate
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Terror Threats in the USA
Today there are two groups of terrorists in the United States that rank far above any other groups: 1) Evangelical Christians 2) Anarchists How do you identify members of these hate groups? Well, the Alt-right (radical and Evangelical Christians) are easy to spot. We keep that “basket of deplorables” in our Cabinet. [See Executive Branch […]
Also posted in cybersecurity, Education, freedom, International, Law, Media, Politics, Religion
Tagged Alt-right, anarchists, black bloc, Evangelical Christians, falsely accuse thy neighbor, radical
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Radical Christian Terrorists and the Zombie Apocalypse
EARTH — Imagine a group of radical Christians taking over the government and trying to bring on the Rapture (aka The Apocalypse) and the Second Coming. You no longer need to imagine. A conspiracy of Evangelical Christians are trying to facilitate The End Of Times. They want to fulfill biblical prophecies including: The Revival of […]
Also posted in children, Christmas, freedom, Government, History, International, Law, liberty, Politics, Religion, Security
Tagged Apocalypse, Armageddon, Christianity, Christians, Donald Trump, Eschatology, Evangelical Christians, free, futuristic, New Jerusalem, protest, rapture, The End Of Times, THE RESISTANCE, The Second Coming, United States Of America, zombie apocalypse
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Protectionism: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Wars
by Daniel Brouse Protectionism is the theory or practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by restricting imports. There are no known benefits to protectionism. The costs of protectionism include being financially destructive, negatively impacting health and wellness, as well as, causing death. (also see: Trade War! What Is It Good For?) […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, freedom, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, liberty, Politics, Science, taxes
Tagged Donald Trump, Golden Rice, protectionism, The Great Depression, trade wars, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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Trade War! What Is It Good For?
By Daniel Brouse International Economics 101 What do you think of when you hear the term “trade war”? The costs and benefits to society are very similar to traditional warfare. 1) Financial Cost. A war is expensive. In a trade war, huge tariffs are placed on the purchase of imports. A tariff is a sales […]
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, Medicine, Politics, Religion, Science
Tagged costs, Economics, trade war
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FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
By Daniel Brouse For Widgette / Private Business Has America turned into a giant Tupperware Party? The field of consumer behavior is a social science that studies the psychology of consumerism. There are five basic psychological tactics to marketing: * emotional and psychological appeals * optimize credibility by highlighting your flaws * re-position your competition […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Government, liberty, Politics, Society
Tagged Donald Trump, doubt, fear, FUD, Tupperware party, uncertainty
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France Ups Cybersecurity
France said the number of cyber attacks against the defence ministry have doubled each year. 24,000 attacks had been thwarted in 2016. Security services have warded off attacks aimed at “tarnishing the image of the ministry as well as strategic attacks – harassment, surveillance, espionage – and even attempts to disrupt our drone systems,” Defence […]
Also posted in cybersecurity, International, Law
Tagged France, internet security, Russia
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I’m for peace. I’ve yet to see a man wake up in the morning and say “I’ve just had a good war.” — Mae West
Bombing Of Tokyo
On March 10, 1945, the United States sent 334 B-29 bombers to raid Japan with 279 of the planes dropping 1,665 tons of bombs on Tokyo. Approximately 15.8 square miles of the city was destroyed and some 100,000 people are estimated to have died. Operation Meetinghouse — “The bombs were mostly the 500-pound E-46 cluster […]
Copyrights And Patents
by Daniel Brouse Though copyrights and patents are generally thought to protect the creator from the public, sometimes they may be thought to protect the public from the creator. A copyright offers protection to literary and musical works. In the United States a copyright’s duration is usually for the life of the author plus 70 […]
Also posted in freedom, Government, Law, Media, Philosophy, Politics
Tagged Adolf Hitler, copyrights, dangerous book, expires, farmers, Mein Kampf, Monsanto, Nazi, patent, Roundup Ready, soybeans
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