A study by University College London (UCL) concludes we heave severely underestimated the health impacts of global warming. “The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events will dramatically increase.” “In essence, whether we respond to “the biggest global health threat of the 21st century” is no longer a technical or economic question — it is […]
Category Archives: Science
Catastrophic Impacts of Climate Change
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, global warming, health impact
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The Sixth Mass Extinction Is Here
Researchers from several universities have released a study that concludes the Earth has entered into its sixth mass extinction. Rob Jordan author of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment states, “There is no longer any doubt: We are entering a mass extinction that threatens humanity’s existence.” The onset of the extinction is due to […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, International
Tagged climate change, global warming, mass extinction, sixth mass extinction
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General Fusion
by Daniel Brouse Nuclear fusion may be the only energy source that can save humankind from climate change. General Fusion is a British Columbia company that is working on an unlimited supply of green energy. “Fusion powers the sun, and harnessing fusion here on earth would transform the world’s energy supply. Fusion fuel is abundant […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, electric, Energy, nuclear fusion, power
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Is Opposition To GMO Crops Irrational?
By Daniel Brouse There is evidence of genetically modified crops for over 8,000 years. There is no evidence of harm from eating GM foods. The Bible compares the grafting of an olive branch to a human being grafted to God. Romans 11:17 — “But some of these branches from Abraham’s tree — some of the […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, health and wellness, Medicine
Tagged benefits, farming, flood-tolerant rice, food, GMO, GMO crops, health, hunger, nutrition, safety, seeds
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Carbon Dioxide Breaks 800,000 Year Record
NOAA — For 800,000 years before the twentieth century, carbon dioxide levels in Earth’s atmosphere never exceeded 300 parts per million. Then the Industrial Revolution began, and modern human civilization started burning through millions of years of fossilized carbon in the geological blink of an eye. NOAA scientists reported that in March 2015 the monthly […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness
Tagged carbon dioxide, CO2, greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gases, record level
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12.5 Million Dead Trees in California
CALIFORNIA — In a survey conducted by the U.S. Forest Service, they found the severe drought in California has caused the death of over 12 million trees. California is in its third year of drought. In 2014, a large increase in tree mortality was observed, especially in the Central Coast and Southern Sierra Ranges. Ground […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Trees
Tagged climate change, drought, extreme weather events, tree death
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GMO Rice Wins Humanitarian Award
by Daniel Brouse WASHINGTON, DC — Although social media is full of unsubstantiated claims about GMO’s, the truth is: there is no evidence that GMO’s are harmful. In fact, quite the contrary. For instance, there are specific breeds of tomatoes, potatoes and carrots being grown for their additional health benefits. Such a beneficial crop, Golden […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, health and wellness
Tagged benefits of GMO's, children, deaths, Economics, food, free trade, genetically modified organisms, GMO, GMO Rice, Golden Rice, humanitarian, Humanitarian Award, nutrition, Pacific Trade Partnership, trade agreement, vitamin A deficiency is the leading killer of children globally
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by Daniel Brouse San Diego County — As drinking water becomes scarcer, desalination will become a rising trend. California is experiencing an extended drought. San Diego County is building a $1 billion desalination plant. Fresh drinking water will become a larger battle ground as it becomes shorter in supply. Global warming is causing contamination in […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, Global Warming, weather
Tagged brackish, climate change, desalination, drought, extreme weather events, fresh water, global warming, salinization
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For a longtime researches at The Membrane Domain have been conducting R&D on the exponential properties of climate change. The melting of the permafrost has become a good example of the problem. A recent article in Nature Climate Change reports: Decomposition of organic carbon from thawing permafrost soils and the resulting release of carbon to […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, International
Tagged climate change, global warming, human induced, permafrost, thaw
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Small Flexible Battery
Researchers at Standford University have invented a small battery that is flexible and can be recharged in one minute. “Our battery has everything else you’d dream that a battery should have: inexpensive electrodes, good safety, high-speed charging, flexibility and long cycle life. I see this as a new battery in its early days. It’s quite […]
Also posted in Education, Environment
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