A report published in JAMA entitled “Association of Changes in Air Quality With Incident Asthma in Children in California, 1993-2014” confirms air pollution increases childhood asthma incidence. “Conclusions and Relevance: Among children in Southern California, decreases in ambient nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5 between 1993 and 2014 were significantly associated with lower asthma incidence.” “There’s been […]
Category Archives: Global Warming
Air Quality And Asthma
Also posted in children, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged air pollution, air pollution deaths, air quality, Asthma, children, climate change, costs, respiratory system
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Groundwater Rise
Goundwater rise is a problem that will be exasperated by global warming and sea level rise. As the sea level rises, ocean water will inundate the coast, as well as, push groundwater up toward the surface inland. “Water will leach inside homes through basement cracks. Toilets may become chronically backed up. Raw sewage may seep […]
Also posted in Environment, health and wellness, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, flooding, grounwater rise, sea level rise, water
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Climate Change: Suspension Of Belief
by Daniel Brouse In the 1990’s, a team of real estate professionals, property management specialists, and climate change scientists starting working on a plan to mitigate the effects of global warming on residential real estate. There are two major problems with developing a plan: 1) Unintended Consequences The impact of climate change is wide reaching […]
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Education, Energy, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, property values, real estate, sea level rise
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The Collapse Of Nature
Worldwide insect populations are in decline by as much as 80%. Insects are in a downward spiral threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, as reported by a global scientific review. “Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades. The […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Energy, Environment, health and wellness, International, Science, Society, Trees, weather
Tagged climate change, collapse, extinction, insects
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Earth Status 2018
Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970 according to a report issued on October 30, 2018 by the World Wildlife Foundation. Plummeting numbers of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish around the world are an urgent sign that nature needs life support. Our Living Planet Report 2018 shows population sizes of wildlife […]
Also posted in Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged air quality, climate change, extinct, extreme weather events, health
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Turn out the lights… the fossil fuel party’s over.
October 15, 2018: To: Sidd RE: Energy and Climate Change I’ve been thinking about a famous Sidd quote… and wonder if it still holds true? Back in the day (2001), you recommended one of the best things to do was to turn off the lights! “Turn out the lights… the fossil fuel party’s over.” http://membrane.com/oil/ […]
Also posted in Education, Energy, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, insulation, LED, lights, oil, trees
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Underestimated Flood Risk
https://eos.org/opinions/millions-more-americans-face-flood-risks-than-previously-thought text follows: Millions More Americans Face Flood Risks Than Previously Thought A different modeling approach fills large gaps in the U.S. governmentâ??s flood risk estimates, revealing previously overlooked at-risk areas often surrounding small flood-prone streams. A Spring Lake, N.C., resident is carried from her flooded home on 17 September 2018, in the aftermath of […]
Also posted in Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, floods, real estate, rising sea level, sea level rise
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Climate Change Is Happening Faster
Researchers are reporting in the journal Science that climate change is happening faster than what was forecast. What we thought would take 20,000 is going to happen in 100 years if we don’t take serious action. Past and future global transformation of terrestrial ecosystems under climate change by Connor Nolan1, Jonathan T. Overpeck2,1, Judy R. […]
Rising Seas and Declining Infrastructure
Miami’s Other Water Problem — If a coastal neighborhood will have to be abandoned anyway, is it worth spending money on new sewers? “People will hang on with their fingernails to keep what they’ve got,” Stoddard says. “But who’s going to move here? And that’s what’s going to kill us.” — Read the whole thing. […]
Also posted in Environment
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, real estate, rising sea level, sea level rise
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Flood Risk and Real Estate Values
The risk of floods increasing do to human induced climate change is affecting real estate values. Though the risk is increasing in all flood zones, coastal areas are already feeling the pain. Most homeowner’s don’t know about flood insurance until they need it. Then, it is too late. Bloomberg News reports: Recent research confirms that […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, weather
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, real estate, rising sea levels, sea level rise
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