Philadelphia, PA — There was an earthquake in Camden, NJ. In the past several years, the region has become aware of earthquakes. The USGS says: Tectonic Summary EARTHQUAKES IN THE NEW YORK – PHILADELPHIA – WILMINGTON URBAN CORRIDOR Since colonial times people in the New York – Philadelphia – Wilmington urban corridor have felt small […]
Category Archives: Environment
Northeastern Earthquakes
Also posted in Education, Science
Tagged Camden, earthquake maps, earthquakes, fault line maps, fault lines, new jersey, Northeastern United States, Pennsylvania
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California’s First Cap-and-Trade Auction
CALIFORNIA, USA — It has been a long time coming, but finally the United States has started creating a market to tax pollution. The Environmental Defense Fund says: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released the results from California’s first cap-and-trade auction held last Wednesday, November 14. The CARB summary report demonstrates that the auction […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged auction, California, cap-and-trade, carbon market, carbon tax, climate change, emissions trading, Environment, pollution, United States
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Grasshoppers Pump-up the Volume for Sex
What do grasshoppers do to deal with human’s noise pollution? PARIS – For city grasshoppers, noise just isn’t cricket. Loud traffic drowns out the song the male grasshopper makes, rubbing a toothed file on his hind legs against a protruding vein on his front wings, to lure a mate. But, German biologists have discovered, […]
Also posted in Agriculture, music, Science
Tagged . sound, grasshoppers, humans, loud, mating calls, noise pollution, volume
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Scientists Jailed Over Earthquake
ITALY — Six of Italy’s top seismologists and natural disaster scientists, as well as, a government official have been sentenced to prison terms over the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. The quake killed 300 people and destroyed the city. The court ruled the scientists guilty of manslaughter and sentenced them to 6 years in jail. Over 5000 […]
Also posted in freedom, Government, International, Law, Science
Tagged earthquake, Italy, jailed, manslaughter, prison, Science, scientists, seismologists
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Acts Of God
Natural Disasters in August, 2012 August 30, 2012 Tropical Storm Tembin over the Korean Peninsula August 29, 2012 Night View of Hurricane Isaac August 29, 2012 Tropical Storm Isaac August 29, 2012 Wildfires in Northwestern Wyoming August 28, 2012 Animation of Hurricane Isaac August 28, 2012 Hurricane Isaac August 28, 2012 Mustang Complex Fires in […]
Also posted in weather
Tagged Acts Of God, fires, floods, hurricanes, natural disasters, storms, tropical storm, Typhoon, wildfires
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News for Fish with Penis on Head
From the Bangkok Post: A new species of fish with a penis on its head has been identified in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, researchers said on Wednesday. A preserved specimen of Phallostethus cuulong, a new species of fish with a penis on its head that has been identified in the Mekong delta in […]
Also posted in Education, Science
Tagged fish with penis on head, news, strange species, Vietnam, wildlife
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When the World Burned Less
More On Climate Change In the years after Columbus’ voyage, burning of New World forests and fields diminished significantly – a phenomenon some have attributed to decimation of native populations by European diseases. But a new University of Utah-led study suggests global cooling resulted in fewer fires because both preceded Columbus in many regions worldwide. […]
Also posted in Agriculture, health and wellness, Medicine, Society, weather
Tagged 1500, Aztecs, buring, climate change, Earth, fire, global warming, Incas, little ice age, Mayans
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Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
At a time not so long ago, there was a vision… of a slow, painful demise. Now, so says the government: The deadliest mass extinction of all took a long time to kill 90 percent of Earth’s marine life–and it killed in stages–according to a newly published report. It shows that mass extinctions need not […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged aburpt, bad, Earth, global extiniction, gradual doom, millions of years, The End
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Australia Carbon Tax
On July 1, 2012 Australia will impose a price on carbon emissions. A price on carbon is the most environmentally effective and economically efficient way to reduce pollution. This means our economy can continue to prosper – without our pollution continuing to grow. The Government’s plan for a clean energy future includes four key components. […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Finance, International, Law, Politics, Science
Tagged Australia Carbon Tax, carbon price, climate change, economic solution, environmental problem, global warming, green house gases
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Photosynthetic Puzzle
Quantum physics and plant biology seem like two branches of science that could not be more different, but surprisingly they may in fact be intimately tied. Quantum physics and plant biology seem like two branches of science that could not be more different, but surprisingly they may in fact be intimately tied. Researchers at DOE’s […]