Learn more about global warming. World Oceans Month Brings Mixed News for Oysters by the National Science Foundation Ocean acidification inhibits shell formation, but interventions at hatcheries may offset some effects, scientists find In World Oceans Month, there’s mixed news for the Pacific Northwest oyster industry. For the past several years, it has struggled with […]
Category Archives: Environment
Climate Change Pearls of Wisdom
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Global Warming, Science
Tagged carbon dioxide, climate change, Corporate Sustainability, Environment, fishing, global warming, ocean acidification, oceans, oysters, Pacific Ocean, seafood, sustainable
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Global Warming Proof
by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies Ocean measurements taken more than 135 years ago during the scientific expedition of HMS Challenger have provided further confirmation of human-produced global warming over the past century. The researchers also found the thermal expansion of sea water caused by this global warming contributed to around 40 per […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, Earth, Environment, global warming, planet, snow, snow cover, warmer springs, water
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Severe Weather Events: Tornadoes
Because a tornado is part of a severe convective storm, and these storms occur all over the Earth, tornadoes are not limited to any specific geographic location. In fact, tornadoes have been documented in every state of the United States, and on every continent, with the exception of Antarctica (even there, a tornado occurrence is […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, global warming, severe weather events, tornado, tornados, US, weather
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Oh No Snow
BOZEMAN, Mont. – Warmer spring temperatures since 1980 are causing an estimated 20 percent loss of snow cover across the Rocky Mountains of western North America, according to new research from the U.S. Geological Survey. The new study builds upon a previous USGS snowpack investigation which showed that, until the 1980s, the northern Rocky Mountains […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, global warming, snow, snow cover, snow water, snowmelt, warmer springs, water
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Coastal Change: Hurricanes and Extreme Storm Hazards
Part of the Human Induced Climate Change Experiment One of the goals of the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program is a national assessment of coastal change hazards. Hurricanes provide a powerful force that generates dangerous waves and currents capable of moving large amounts of sand, destroying buildings and infrastructure, and reshaping our nation’s coastline. […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, coastal change, damage, Environment, errosion, ethanol, extreme storms, extreme weather events, global wamring, green house gases, Hurricane Sandy, ice, impact, lack of snow, melting, pollution, records, rising sea levels, temperature
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Noise Pollution
We’re so use to it that a lot of us hardly notice the noise that surrounds us everyday, but our hearts may be picking up the buzz. Researchers in Germany had more than 100 people record their heart activity over several 6-hour spans. They also recorded surrounding noise levels. The sounds were classified as either […]
Also posted in health and wellness, Science
Tagged . sound, 65 decibels, health, health effects, heart, heart activity, noise pollution, noises
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Ozone Pollution Police
Ozone pollution is a significant problem and may be resulting in the deforestation of Earth. The Environmental Defense Fund Wrote This Is Your Final Warning: Enforcement Needed To Curtail Continued Pollution Problems What makes you slow down more, a speeding ticket with a hefty fine or a warning? For most people, getting a ticket for […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Global Warming, Law, Science
Tagged climate change, danger, enforcement, Environment, fines, global warming, ozone pollution, penelty, pollution, warming
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More Fire, Less Snow
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? The answer is yes, if it happened in New Mexico’s Jemez River Basin on June 26, 2011, at 1 p.m. local time. The tipping of one tree as it creaked and fell hinted at a […]
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, fires, global warming, snow, snow cover
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Solar Storms
G1 (Minor) storming is expected on March 16th and G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storming is expected on the 17th from this morning’s coronal mass ejection. The CME is the bright loop leaving the Sun to the upper left of the circular center in the image below (Image Credit ESA/NASA SOHO LASCO).
Also posted in Education, Science, Space
Tagged geomagnetic storming, solar flares, storms, Sun
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Climate Change Time Machine
NASA has developed a web application that allows you to view the sea ice declining, sea level, carbon emissions and average temperature rising over time: Climate Time Machine
Also posted in Global Warming, Science
Tagged Artctic, climate change, decline, enivronment, global warming, ice, important issues, losses, melting, ocean temperatures, rise in sea level, rising temperatures, sea ice, United States, volume, warming
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