Atmospheric rivers are long, narrow bands of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere that transport large amounts of water vapor. When these atmospheric rivers make landfall, they can bring heavy rainfall over an extended period, leading to increased runoff and potentially contributing to coastal erosion through several mechanisms: Intense Rainfall: Atmospheric rivers can bring intense and […]
Tag Archives: real estate
Atmospheric Rivers and Coastal Erosion
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Violent Rain and the Substrate
Daniel Brouse asked: As the sea levels rise, how far “inland” might we see salinization of fresh water? Is it possible saltwater could infiltrate the Great Lakes? Lake Superior has an elevation of 600 feet above (current) sea level and a depth of 1,332 feet. Lake Ontario is 243 feet above sea level with a […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, floodplain, rising sea level
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Climate Change: Atmospheric Rivers
Extreme Rainfall–surge Hazard Risk Basics and Atmospheric Rivers Brouse (2022) West Coast Atmospheric Rivers Brouse (2023) East Coast Atmospheric Rivers Brouse (2023) Greenland Atmospheric Rivers Mukherjee (2023) ALSO SEE: Real Estate and Flood Insurance Brouse and Mukherjee (1999 to present) The Reign of Violent Rain Brouse and Mukherjee (2023) The Age of Loss and Damage […]
Posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Science, weather
Also tagged cliamte change, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Greenland Atmospheric Rivers
by Sidd Mukherjee Historically in the United States, atmospheric rivers (AR) have been associated with the West Coast. Now, AR activity is getting more attention on the East Coast. Atmospheric rivers have been putting serious rainfall melt on Greenland for the last decade, too. Darker snow surfaces absorb more sunlight and melt quicker. This effect […]
Posted in Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, International, Science
Also tagged cliamte change, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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West Coast Atmospheric Rivers
by Daniel Brouse As the Earth warms, the air will hold more moisture. More moisture-laden air moves over land and creates atmospheric rivers (Pineapple Express). The Journal EOS in the article Atmospheric Rivers Spur High-Tide Floods on U.S. West Coast said, “Atmospheric rivers are narrow bands of moisture that travel across the lower troposphere, generally […]
Posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Science, weather
Also tagged cliamte change, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding
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Treasury Auctions and Record Budget Deficits
by Daniel Brouse November 9, 2023 Attention armchair economists, investors, and homeowners: the 30-year Treasury auction was “bad” today … when I say bad, I mean bad for those not investing in Treasuries. What does it mean? The government went to borrow money today, and people didn’t want to lend them money. The 30-year interest […]
Posted in Business, Finance, Government
Also tagged AI, budget deficit, interest rates, securities, Treasuries
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Sea Level Rise and Saturation
By Daniel Brouse October 28, 2023 What causes sea level rise? If the melting ice and snow isn’t going into the sea, where is it going? NOAA says: The volume of the ocean is expanding as the water warms. Thermal expansion happens when water gets warmer, which causes the volume of the water to increase. […]
Posted in Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Antarctic Ice Shelves Shrink at Alarming Rate
“Scientists track ‘alarming’ melt in Antarctic ice shelves” “Forty percent of Antarctica’s ice shelves are shrinking, worrying scientists” “We expected most ice shelves to go through cycles of rapid, but short-lived shrinking, then to regrow slowly. Instead, we see that almost half of them are shrinking with no sign of recovery,” said lead author Benjamin […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Deadly Humid Heat in the USA
Deadly humid heat affects billions including the US Midwest this century. “It’s very disturbing,” study co-author Matthew Huber of Purdue University. “It’s going to send a lot of people to emergency medical care.” The study Greatly enhanced risk to humans as a consequence of empirically determined lower moist heat stress tolerance was conducted by Purdue […]
Posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Medicine, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, deaths, heat
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10% of Swiss Glaciers Melt
* As thawing accelerates, Swiss glaciers lost 10% of their volume in the past 2 years * One glacier had to stop being measured because it disappeared * The thaw is irreversible * Much of Europe’s drinking water comes from the glaciers “The acceleration is dramatic, with as much ice being lost in only two […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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