EARTH — Imagine a group of radical Christians taking over the government and trying to bring on the Rapture (aka The Apocalypse) and the Second Coming. You no longer need to imagine. A conspiracy of Evangelical Christians are trying to facilitate The End Of Times. They want to fulfill biblical prophecies including: The Revival of […]
Category Archives: Politics
Radical Christian Terrorists and the Zombie Apocalypse
Also posted in children, Christmas, freedom, Government, History, International, Law, liberty, Religion, Security, War And Peace
Tagged Apocalypse, Armageddon, Christianity, Christians, Donald Trump, Eschatology, Evangelical Christians, free, futuristic, New Jerusalem, protest, rapture, The End Of Times, THE RESISTANCE, The Second Coming, United States Of America, zombie apocalypse
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Protectionism: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Wars
by Daniel Brouse Protectionism is the theory or practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by restricting imports. There are no known benefits to protectionism. The costs of protectionism include being financially destructive, negatively impacting health and wellness, as well as, causing death. (also see: Trade War! What Is It Good For?) […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, freedom, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, liberty, Science, taxes, War And Peace
Tagged Donald Trump, Golden Rice, protectionism, The Great Depression, trade wars, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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Trade War! What Is It Good For?
By Daniel Brouse International Economics 101 What do you think of when you hear the term “trade war”? The costs and benefits to society are very similar to traditional warfare. 1) Financial Cost. A war is expensive. In a trade war, huge tariffs are placed on the purchase of imports. A tariff is a sales […]
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, Medicine, Religion, Science, War And Peace
Tagged costs, Economics, trade war
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FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
By Daniel Brouse For Widgette / Private Business Has America turned into a giant Tupperware Party? The field of consumer behavior is a social science that studies the psychology of consumerism. There are five basic psychological tactics to marketing: * emotional and psychological appeals * optimize credibility by highlighting your flaws * re-position your competition […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Government, liberty, Society, War And Peace
Tagged Donald Trump, doubt, fear, FUD, Tupperware party, uncertainty
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Trump to Trash the Environment
United States of America — The world watches in dismay as Donald Trump appoints Myron Ebell, a professional climate change denier, to head his EPA transition team. During his campaign, Trump said that climate change is a hoax. Slate magazine reports, “Trump had tweeted in 2012 that global warming “was created by and for the […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Science
Tagged climate change, Donald Trump, EPA, Myron Ebell
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Gay Church Vs. Corruption
WEST CHESTER, PA — A microcosm of what is going on globally can be found at the corner’s of Gay and Church Street in West Chester, Pennsylvania. It is the County Seat and has a university within the Borough — a collision of humanity and hypocrisy. Musicians, and artists of a wide variety, often come […]
Also posted in Business, children, Law, music, Religion, Security
Tagged bad cops, Chester County, Church Street, Civil Rights Violations, Corporal Joshua Lee of the West Chester Police Department, Dan Truitt, election, free, freedom of speech, Gay Street, Harassment, Hate Crimes, John O'Donnell, live, Mayor Carolyn Comitta, music, original, PA, PA State Representative, Patrolman Gregory M. Cugino, Pennsylvania, Police Chief Scott Bohn, police corruption, police misconduct, Police Terror, songs, songwriter, street musicians, Swatting, Terroristic Threats, West Chester Pennsylvania, West Chester Police Department, Wrongful Arrest
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Violation Of The Constitution
WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA — Civil rights violations and hate crimes have been occurring within the borough of West Chester, PA. An existing noise ordinance was used by corrupt cops and a few businesses (Penn’s Table, Malena’s, and Malcolm Johnstone of the West Chester Business Improvement District) to commit crimes of hate. After the civil rights […]
Also posted in children, Education, freedom, Government, Law
Tagged Anthony Marion, bad cops, Chester County, Civil Rights Violations, Corporal Joshua Lee of the West Chester Police Department, Gay Church, Gay Street, Harassment, Hate Crimes, John O'Donnell, live, Lt. William Morris, Malena's West Chester, Mayor Carolyn Comitta, MP3, music, PA, Patrolman Albert McCarthy Jr., Patrolman Gregory M. Cugino, Penn's Table Restaurant, Police Chief Scott Bohn, police corruption, police misconduct, Police Terror, Sergeant Deighan, street musicians, Swatting, Terroristic Threats, West Chester Pennsylvania, West Chester Police Department
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Disappearing Islands (Climate Change Refugees)
By Daniel Brouse THE MARSHALL ISLANDS — If your home is going underwater, you have no doubt about human induced climate change. This is the case for Bikini islanders. In the 1940’s, Bikini island was used for atomic bomb tests. The United States conducted at least 23 nuclear tests including the Bravo hydrogen bomb (the […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, History, International, Law, Science
Tagged Atomic Bomb, Bikini islands, climate change, climate change refugees, sea level rise
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The FED (Federal Reserve Bank)
by Daniel Brouse The FED tries to control our spending… and that ain’t easy. It seems to happen around election time — all these wacky posts about the FED. (Luckily, I’ve a degree in international economics for just such an occasion.) If you are posting about the FED, please remember these facts: * The FED […]
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
by Daniel Brouse The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a free trade agreement being negotiated by twelve countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, and New Zealand. The TPP will eliminate over 18,000 taxes, tariffs and other trade barriers. One of the largest benefits of the TPP will be […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Law, Media, music, taxes
Tagged copyrights, fair trade, free trade, Intellectual Property (IP) RightsIntellectual Property (IP) Rights, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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