If you’re curious about the driving force behind US support for Israel, it’s ironically rooted in Evangelical Christianity. Many Evangelical Christians believe they can hasten the “second coming of Christ” by bringing about the apocalypse. According to their interpretation of the Bible, this involves Israel reclaiming Jerusalem, Jesus returning, and ultimately eliminating all Jews. For […]
Category Archives: Politics
Evangelical Christianity and Israel
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About the Membrane Domain
This website was established by a diverse group, including musicians, writers, computer wizards, businessmen, videots, and individuals with a keen interest. We named this collective effort “The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment.” PHILADELPHIA? Frustrated with outdated systems and unsuccessful attempts to change them, we chose to take action — perhaps in the spirit of our forefathers? SPIRIT? […]
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Earth’s Vital Signs
by Daniel Brouse Human-induced climate change serves as a dynamic and intricate component within an unordered system, guided by chaos theory. This suggests that global warming is undergoing exponential acceleration in a complex manner. The pace at which climate change is accelerating can be described as rapid, as evident in the intensity, duration, and likelihood […]
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Tagged action, aid, cliamte change, discontinue, help, love, pollution, reduce
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The Age of Loss and Damage
by Daniel Brouse “For people, for other species, for the ecosystems, for the world we live in, we’ve entered the Age of Loss and Damage, but we’re just at the start. What we are seeing already just makes you want to cry,” said Dr. Christopher Trisos (BBC Interview / MP3 Format) from the University of […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, Philosophy, Religion, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, loss and damage
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Climate Denial Part II: Freedom of Speech
by Daniel Brouse Climate Scientist Climate Denial Part I: A Climate Denier Making a “False Narrative” Political Stand Climate Denial Part II: Freedom of Speech, Authority, and Regulation According to an analysis from the Center for American Progress, there are still 139 Republicans in the 117th Congress, including 109 representatives and 30 senators, who refuse […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, freedom, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Philosophy, Religion, Science
Tagged climate change, climate denial
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Climate Change Case Study: How to Shutdown a Climate Denier
by Daniel Brouse Climate Scientist Climate Change Case Study: How to shutdown a climate denier making a “false narrative” political stand Darren Wolfe is the self-proclaimed “world’s first authoritarian libertarian” In this study, we show how to prove liars about climate change are lying. According to an analysis from the Center for American Progress, there […]
Also posted in Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Philosophy, Religion, Science
Tagged climate change, climate deniers
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Climate Change: The End of Times
by Daniel Brouse July 21, 2023 What will the “End of Times” look like? In the 1990’s, we wrote a paper on the worst-case scenario entitled, “The Impact of Governance & Globalization on Forecasting (The Tunnel Under Thesis).” The theory predicted that forecasting would become increasing difficult. “The result — a figurative, as well as, […]
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Tagged climate change
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Economic Update: Inflation, Interest Rates, AI, Consumer Spending, Climate Change, and Fiscal Policy
by Daniel Brouse February 3, 2023 This article is about the economic conditions up to 2023 and a forecast for the foreseeable future. It helps to understand fiscal and monetary polices prior to reading the following. In 2022 and 2023, the Federal Reserve raised their interest rates charged to other banks 4.75 percent in an […]
Also posted in Business, Environment, Finance, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science
Tagged Federal Reserve, inflation, interest rates, money, real estate
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Climate Change: No Credible Pathway to 1.5C Limit
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) insisted there is “no credible pathway to 1.5C in place.” The report Climate change: No ‘credible pathway’ to 1.5C limit found: National pledges to reduce harmful emissions offer little hope of avoiding climate disaster, UN climate experts said on Thursday, in an urgent appeal for a radical transformation of the […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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The Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and You
We were talking about a graph of the record high stock market… and, I said: You definitely need to keep this graph with it… the main reason the stock market is at this level is because the Federal Reserve has been buying stocks and bonds… lots of them. (That’s over 7 trillion pictured in the […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Finance, Government, History, Science
Tagged Economics, Federal Reserve Bank, Treasury Department
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