The two major contributors to today’s inflation that a President can influence are insufficient immigration and federal budget deficits. Both Trump and Biden administrations have played significant roles in these issues. Through May of 2024, average hourly wage growth has exceeded inflation for 12 straight months. Economic Facts on Inflation and Wage Inflation Current Impacts […]
Category Archives: taxes
Economic Facts on Immigration, Budget Deficits and Inflation
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Tagged federal budget deficits, immigration, inflation
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Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risks and Real Estate Values
by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee February 26, 2023 Climate change poses many risks to real estate values. In general, as energy is added to a system, the fluctuations in the system increase. So, we expect more storms, more droughts, more wildfires, more floods, more fluctuations of all kinds. What we are saying is that […]
Also posted in Business, Finance, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged cliamte change, climate displacement, climate migration, climate refugees, flood insurance, real estate, rising sea level
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Daniel Brouse: About the Author
Q: Any background on membrane .com? A: In 1994, I started a publishing company with another scientist (low temperature physicist and co-builder of the Ohio States supercomputer). The name of the publishing company is The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment. As the name suggests, it is a scientific experiment in the publishing of arts and science. At […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, cybersecurity, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, Media, Medicine, music, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, Security, Society, Trees, weather
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The Hijacking of the Republican Party
Leading up to the Presidential election of 2016, it was obvious the Trump campaign had made a dirty deal with some Russians; however, it was less obvious the deal Trump made with the devil — Evangelical Christians. In June of 2016, Trump met with several hundred evangelical leaders in New York City. He agreed to […]
Also posted in freedom, Government, Law, Philosophy, Religion
Tagged Donald Trump, ethno- nationalism, Evangelical Christians, President Trump, white supremacy
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Music Modernization Act
by Daniel Brouse For years, the music moguls, executives, record companies and other middlemen in music have been trying to pass this law – MMA The new law creates a “modern” music management company [Collective Management Organization (CMO)] staffed mainly by existing music management. All artists must pay the new entity. The new law also […]
Also posted in Business, music
Tagged ASCAP, BMI, copyrights, MMA, Music Modernization Act, RIAA, SESAC, streaming music
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Protectionism: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Wars
by Daniel Brouse Protectionism is the theory or practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by restricting imports. There are no known benefits to protectionism. The costs of protectionism include being financially destructive, negatively impacting health and wellness, as well as, causing death. (also see: Trade War! What Is It Good For?) […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, freedom, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, liberty, Politics, Science, War And Peace
Tagged Donald Trump, Golden Rice, protectionism, The Great Depression, trade wars, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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US Corporate Taxes
By Daniel Brouse The United States is the only country that taxes domestic corporations on their worldwide income at the federal and state levels. “The IRS reminds you to report your worldwide income on your U.S. tax returns.” The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Federal tax rates on corporate […]
Also posted in Business, freedom, Government, International
Tagged corporate tax rate, dividends, double taxation, IRS, United States, US Corporate Taxes
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The Panama Papers
By Daniel Brouse The Panama Papers is the name being attached to the world’s largest data breach. A Panama law firm known for offshore business structures had 11,000,000 files stolen. Most of the activities did not take place in Panama, so the name is a bit misleading. Most of the transactions took place in territories, […]
Also posted in Business, Finance, International, Media
Tagged North Korea, Panama Papers, Ponzi, sanctions, Syria, Vladimir Putin
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The FED (Federal Reserve Bank)
by Daniel Brouse The FED tries to control our spending… and that ain’t easy. It seems to happen around election time — all these wacky posts about the FED. (Luckily, I’ve a degree in international economics for just such an occasion.) If you are posting about the FED, please remember these facts: * The FED […]
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
by Daniel Brouse The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is a free trade agreement being negotiated by twelve countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, and New Zealand. The TPP will eliminate over 18,000 taxes, tariffs and other trade barriers. One of the largest benefits of the TPP will be […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Law, Media, music, Politics
Tagged copyrights, fair trade, free trade, Intellectual Property (IP) RightsIntellectual Property (IP) Rights, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)
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