Category Archives: Environment


Air Pollution and Cognitive Decline, Dementia

In a UK study, a causal relationship has been established between air pollution and cognitive decline / dementia. The primary cause is a decline in blood flow to the brain. Cognitive decline, dementia and air pollution COMEAP reviewed nearly 70 studies in human populations (epidemiological studies) which looked at possible links between air pollution and […]

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Tropical Stratospheric Ozone Loss and Rocket Debris

We might have another problem. A whole buncha people, Elon Musk included, are launching thousands of satellites designed to fall into atmosphere at end of life (decade or less) and burn up, not to speak of rocket exhaust… except the products of that burning are all kindsa metal and other oxides whose chemical effects on […]

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Green Energy Storage: The Sand Battery

by Daniel Brouse One of the main problems with solar and wind energy is storage. They are great for making electricity when the sun is out or the wind is blowing, but how can you store energy for dark windless nights in the cold of winter of the heat of summer? Neither lead acid nor […]

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Obtaining Net Zero: Can we use solar to electrify everything?

by Daniel Brouse June 25, 2022 Q: What about solar energy? Can’t we use solar for everything? A: Solar can provide all the energy we need for cars. Solar can provide around 50% of our overall electric needs. However, solar will not work for ships and jets… nor steel or cement. Solar could produce green […]

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2022 Climate Refugees in the USA

Climate change will eventually cause most American’s real estate to become worthless and uninhabitable. “Currently, we have crossed the tipping point when human induced climate change triggers a chain reaction of feedback loops. The Earth will exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius (average global surface temperature over the surface of the earth for ten years) by the […]

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How to Go Net-zero and Beyond

by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee June 22, 2022 Reaching “net zero” is easy, cheap, and saves you thousands of dollars, not to mention, you can help save the planet. Here are some things I’ve done to reach net zero without sacrificing my standard-of-living. In fact, I’ve gone beyond net zero in an attempt to […]

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Cost of Property Insurance in Florida

Florida Politics reports in their article, As climate in Florida sets ‘new normal,’ cost of property insurance will separate haves, have-nots: “Insurers believe that due to climate change, this is the new normal. They’re finding that catastrophic and non-catastrophic weather events are increasing in severity every year,” said Paul Handerhan, president of the Federal Association […]

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Observed Increases in Well-mixed Greenhouse Gases

2021 saw the largest emissions of greenhouse gases in human history. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported: The Current State of the Climate * It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. * Observed increases in […]

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1 in 6 deaths Worldwide Attributed to Pollution

* Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today * 1 in 6 deaths worldwide attributed to pollution * 9 million people per year die from pollution The Lancet Commission on pollution and health was updated for 2022: Pollution and health: a progress update 2022 PDF Key messages […]

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Frequency of Flash Floods

As the climate warms, the air holds more moisture. Theoretically, there is a 7% increase in atmospheric water holding capacity per degree Celsius warming. A recent study published in Nature The conterminous United States are projected to become more prone to flash floods in a high-end emissions scenario suggests extreme precipitation might be increasing even […]

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