One of the largest wildfires to ever hit California caused a smoke plume effecting air quality over 100 miles away. The fire has already destroyed over 110 structures and continues to burn out-of-control. ““It was like a bomb went off, exploded,” a firefighter said. “When the inversion lifted, the fog coming from the smoke, when […]
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Yosemite Wildfire
Posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged California, climate change, fires, global warming, park, Rim Fire, wildfire, Yosemite
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Underwater Robotics Competition
Annual competition, sponsored by Marine Advanced Technological Education Center, gives competitors a taste of the real-life capabilities needed to maintain an ocean observing system by The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center hosted its 12th annual student underwater robotics competition earlier this summer in Federal Way, Wash. The Center is a national partnership of […]
Posted in Education, Environment, robotics, Science
Tagged Education, learn, robotics, students, underwater, water
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Q: Why Did the Sea Level Drop?
A: Because the rain fell on Australia. By Alan Buis, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory David Hosansky, National Center for Atmospheric Research A unique and complex set of circumstances came together over Australia from 2010 to 2011 to cause Earth’s smallest continent to be the biggest contributor to the observed drop in global sea level rise […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged Australia, climate change, Environment, floods, global warming, rain, sea level
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Russian Meteor Plume
Atmospheric physicist Nick Gorkavyi missed witnessing an event of the century last winter when a meteor exploded over his hometown of Chelyabinsk, Russia. From Greenbelt, Md., however, NASA’s Gorkavyi and colleagues witnessed the atmospheric aftermath. The explosion created a never-before-seen belt of “meteor dust” that circulated through the stratosphere for at least three months. Shortly […]
Magnetic Field of the Sun to Flip
Something big is about to happen on the sun. According to measurements from NASA-supported observatories, the sun’s vast magnetic field is about to flip. “It looks like we’re no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal,” says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. “This change will have ripple effects […]
Plastic Ocean
Plastic debris is accumulating in the ocean at an alarming rate. Many species of birds, fish, turtles, whales and other sea animals are being impacted. In 2009, a U.N. joint commission estimated that 6.4 million metric tons of plastic waste currently pollutes the oceans. The U.N. also estimates that 5 million pieces of plastic enter […]
Posted in Environment
Tagged birds, Charles Moore, Environment, fish, plastic in the ocean, plastic ocean, pollution
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Nuclear Energy Laser Uranium Enrichment
Many scientists have come to the conclusion that nuclear energy is one of the alternative energy solutions for climate change. A new process, laser enrichment, is a major advancement in the efficiency of nuclear energy production. The United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission said, “General Electric (GE) currently plans to use the Australian laser enrichment technology […]
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, Environment, GE, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, global warming, Laser Enrichment, Nuclear Energy, nuclear power, power, solutions, uranium
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The BRAIN Initiative
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative What is the NIH BRAIN Initiative? The NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is part of a new Presidential focus aimed at revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. By accelerating the development and application of innovative technologies, researchers will be able to produce […]
Earth From 900 Million Miles
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured the color images of Earth and the moon from its perch in the Saturn system nearly 900 million miles (1.5 billion kilometers) away. MESSENGER, the first probe to orbit Mercury, took a black-and-white image from a distance of 61 million miles (98 million kilometers) as part of a campaign to search […]
Buddha’s Bodhi Tree Bombed
INDIA – Nine bombs exploded near the site where Buddha is believed to have obtained enlightenment while sitting under a fig tree. An offspring of the tree still grows at the site. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombings; however, “intelligence alerts had been issued to Bihar authorities in the recent months, warning that Islamist […]
Posted in Religion, War And Peace
Tagged Bodhi tree, Buddha, Buddhist, enlightenment, fig tree, holy, Myanmar, Religion, shrine
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