G1 (Minor) storming is expected on March 16th and G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storming is expected on the 17th from this morning’s coronal mass ejection. The CME is the bright loop leaving the Sun to the upper left of the circular center in the image below (Image Credit ESA/NASA SOHO LASCO).
Category Archives: Science
Solar Storms
Also posted in Education, Environment, Space
Tagged geomagnetic storming, solar flares, storms, Sun
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The New Seaboard Keyboard
A British start-up company has invented a new type of piano. “Evolved from the piano keyboard, the Seaboard is a new musical instrument which bridges the gap between acoustic and digital music by putting the control of pitch, volume and timbre right at your fingertips.” The way in which you touch the keys changes the […]
Climate Change Time Machine
NASA has developed a web application that allows you to view the sea ice declining, sea level, carbon emissions and average temperature rising over time: Climate Time Machine
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged Artctic, climate change, decline, enivronment, global warming, ice, important issues, losses, melting, ocean temperatures, rise in sea level, rising temperatures, sea ice, United States, volume, warming
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When Does an Asteroid Become a Meteor?
EARTH — NASA has been watching an asteroid, Asteroid 2012 DA14, fly near Earth; however, they missed another asteroid that became a meteor in Russia. An asteroid when it enters the Earth’s atmosphere. Usually, they burn up upon entry. Not this time. A Russian health official estimated 1,000 people were injured when a 10 ton […]
Severe Weather The New Normal
Human Induced Climate Change Experiment A study mandated by congress highlights the cost of global warming to United States citizens. One of the most significant costs is the impact of more severe weather events. A LETTER TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved firmly into the […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, Global Warming, Government
Tagged climate change, enivronment, global warming, Government, important issues, ocean temperatures, President, sever weather, United States, warming
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Warmest Year on Record
The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment According to NOAA scientists, the average temperature for the contiguous U.S. for 2012 was 55.3°F, which was 3.2°F above the 20th century average and 1.0°F above the previous record from 1998. The year consisted of the fourth warmest winter, a record warm spring, the second warmest summer, and a […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, Earth, enivronment, global warming, important issues, ocean temperatures, record heat, sea level rise, United States, warming
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National Snow And Ice For 2012
State of the Climate National Snow & Ice Annual 2012 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center The 2011/12 winter season was nearly non-existent for much of the eastern half of the nation. The December 2011-February 2012 three-month period was marked by near-record warmth across the U.S.-Canadian border, the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast, […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming
Tagged climate change, Environment, ethanol, global wamring, green house gases, ice, lack of snow, pollution, records, temperature
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Brain Music: Improving Emergency Response Through Music
Every brain has a soundtrack. Its tempo and tone will vary, depending on mood, frame of mind, and other features of the brain itself. When recorded and played back to an emergency responder, say a firefighter, it may sharpen their reflexes during a crisis, and calm their nerves afterward. Over the past decade, the influence […]
Also posted in children, Education, health and wellness, music
Tagged brain, brain music, emergency response, first responders, health, Homeland Defencse, making music, songwriter, thought, wellsness
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