The report by PolicyGenius Home insurance prices are rising even faster than inflation explains how climate change is making homeowners’ insurance more difficult and costly to obtain: Severe natural disasters Climate change has increased both the length and severity of the hurricane and wildfire seasons in the U.S., causing many insurance companies to increase rates […]
Category Archives: Global Warming
Climate Change: Increasingly Costly for Americans to Insure Their Homes
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Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Rapidly Increasing Disasters, Costs, and Frequency
The rapid increase in disaster costs and frequency in the USA is the focus of the report by Climate Central Billion-Dollar Disasters in 2022. The report states: * As of this month, the U.S. has experienced 15 billion-dollar weather and climate disasters so far in 2022—already well above the historical average of seven events per […]
Also posted in Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events
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10% of Canadian Homes Uninsurable Due to Extreme Weather and the Climate Crisis
The Guardian reports The uninsurables: how storms and rising seas are making coastlines unliveable. “In Canada, the number of uninsurable homes has reached 10%, according to industry figures. The Magdalen archipelago is losing half a metre each year to erosion, roads have fallen into the sea and the sand dunes that once offered protection from […]
Also posted in Environment, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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The Collapse of Nature
The World Wildlife Foundation issued a report LIVING PLANET REPORT 2022 showing a near 70% decline in wildlife. * Monitored populations of vertebrates (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish) have seen a devastating 69% drop on average since 1970 * Freshwater species populations have suffered an 83% fall * The report’s Living Planet Index shows […]
Also posted in Environment, International, Science
Tagged biodiversity, climatge change, deforestation, human exploitation, pollution
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Heat Waves Make Regions Uninhabitable Within Decades
The U.N. humanitarian aid agency OCHA and the International Federation of Red Cross report Extreme heat: Preparing for the heatwaves of the future (October 2022) says large parts of the earth will become uninhabitable in the near future. “We don’t want to dramatize it, but clearly the data shows that it does lead towards a […]
Also posted in Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, heatwaves, real estate
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Hurricane Ian: Florida Becoming Uninhabitable
October 2, 2022 How long would it take to go 100% green? “It depends on cooperation. If we all cooperated, we could change over within 6 months. However, we don’t expect the climate deniers will cooperate. In the meantime, many countries plan to reduce fossil fuels by 2030. Some countries, such as China, are building […]
Also posted in Environment, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, Hurricane, real estate, rising sea level
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Rising Sea Levels: 100’s of 1,000’s of Buildings in Danger of Submerging by 2050
Real estate across millions of acres in the United States are projected to be submerged under seawater by 2050 as reported in Sinking Tax Base Land and Property at Risk from Rising Seas. ZME science summarizes the findings as follows: The research group Climate Central, a nonprofit that analyzes and reports on climate science, looked […]
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Tagged flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Tripping Over Tipping Points
by Daniel Brouse September 12, 2022 Climate change tipping points are positions in an evolving situation that lead to a new and irreversible development. Some of these tipping points have already been crossed. The methane that escaped from under melting polar ice can not be put back. Melted ice that formed in the Alps 25,000 […]
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Tagged climate change, tipping points
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Trees, Climate Change, and Wildfires
by Daniel Brouse September 5, 2022 Pollution, droughts, and pests are killing many of our trees. Climate change is involved in all these causes. In addition, climate change feedback loops are accelerating the extinction of trees. Feedback loops accelerate global warming. For example, global warming has resulted in tree deaths and deforestation. Trees are a […]
Also posted in Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, forests, real estate, trees, wildfires
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Melting of Greenland Ice Cap is Inevitable
“Major sea-level rise caused by melting of Greenland ice cap is ‘now inevitable’” In 1995, I was convinced climate change was happening at an exponential rate; however, Sidd said we need more data over a longer time period. (The consensus at the time was it was linear, and we had thousands of years to solve […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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