by Daniel Brouse November 26, 2023 Global warming is causing warmer and shorter winters. Not only are White Christmases less frequent, so are icebergs, sea ice, and glaciers. An analysis and maps from NOAA found snowfall is declining globally as temperatures warm due to anthropological climate change. As the atmosphere’s heat and humidity increase, precipitation […]
Category Archives: Global Warming
The Snowfall Feedback Loop
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Tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, feedback loops, White Christmas
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Climate Change: 2023 the Year in Review
by Sidd Mukherjee and Daniel Brouse Sidd said, “Do you remember back in the early 2000’s when we thought we wouldn’t live to see the extreme changes due to global warming?” Daniel replied, “I think 2023 is the most significant year so far. We saw confirmation of tipping points being crossed for Mountain Glacier Loss, […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, tipping points
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State of the Cryosphere 2023
Dr. Sidd Mukherjee said, “Latest frightening news” — State of the Cryosphere Report-2023. This has been a year of climate disasters and ice loss. A glacial lake outburst flood devastated Sikkim in India. Swiss glaciers lost 10% of their remaining ice over just two years. Sea ice around Antarctica hit all-time-low summer and winter records. […]
Also posted in Education, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged cliamte change, extreme weather events, rising sea level
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The Age of Loss and Damage
by Daniel Brouse “For people, for other species, for the ecosystems, for the world we live in, we’ve entered the Age of Loss and Damage, but we’re just at the start. What we are seeing already just makes you want to cry,” said Dr. Christopher Trisos (BBC Interview / MP3 Format) from the University of […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Environment, Government, health and wellness, International, Law, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, weather
Tagged climate change, loss and damage
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The Domino Effect / Snowball Effect
by Brouse and Mukherjee Tipping points are Critical Milestones that directly impact the rate of acceleration in climate change by multiplying the number and intensity of feedback loops. Push a glass toward the edge of a table and eventually it will fall off on its own. No matter how slowly or meticulously you push… no […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, feedback loops, tipping points
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October 2023 Record Heat
November 2023 The planet added another record-breaking month to 2023, with October ranking as the warmest October in the 174-year global climate record. Last month was also 2023’s fifth month in a row of record-warm global temperatures, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The average global temperature for October was 2.41°F […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, record heat
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The Lightning Feedback Loop
by Daniel Brouse November 11, 2023 Feedback is the process in which changing one quantity changes a second quantity, and the change in the second quantity in turn changes the first. Positive feedback loops amplify the change in the first quantity. Studies have found lightning and forest fires are creating a feedback loop. More lightning […]
Also posted in Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, feedback loops, wildfires
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Rio Negro Climate Change Case Study
by Daniel Brouse November 11, 2023 What do you know about the Rio Negro as it relates to climate change and carbon sinks? The Rio Negro gets its name from its color. The black water is caused by highly acidic and carbon rich water. One scientist that lives on the river called it similar to […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, Science
Tagged amazon, carbon sequestration, carbon sinks, climate change, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), feedback loops
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Sea Level Rise and Saturation
By Daniel Brouse October 28, 2023 What causes sea level rise? If the melting ice and snow isn’t going into the sea, where is it going? NOAA says: The volume of the ocean is expanding as the water warms. Thermal expansion happens when water gets warmer, which causes the volume of the water to increase. […]
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Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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Antarctic Ice Shelves Shrink at Alarming Rate
“Scientists track ‘alarming’ melt in Antarctic ice shelves” “Forty percent of Antarctica’s ice shelves are shrinking, worrying scientists” “We expected most ice shelves to go through cycles of rapid, but short-lived shrinking, then to regrow slowly. Instead, we see that almost half of them are shrinking with no sign of recovery,” said lead author Benjamin […]
Also posted in Environment, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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