0:26 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Occupy Philly 0:49 0:33 0:46 High Definition Pictures The Article * Occupy Wall Street? Occupy Yourself! *
Category Archives: Environment
Occupy Wall Street Occupy Philly
Also posted in Business, Energy, Government, health and wellness, Law, Opinion, Politics, Society, War And Peace
Tagged civil, Government, occupy, Occupy Philadelphia, Occupy Philly, Occupy Wall Street, protest, protesters, rights
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Smoke clouds the skies across northeastern China and southeastern Russia in this image taken on October 8, 2011, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. Widespread fires are marked in red. The dry, windy weather of autumn created hazardous fire conditions in northeast China. On October 9, officials in Heilongjiang, the […]
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Baptism By Fire
Also posted in Religion, Science
Tagged baptism by fire, baptized, Bible, burning, covenant, Earth, Environment, fires, God, living creatures, phophecy
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Single Stream Recycling Process
High Definition Pictures
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Tagged Ambler, Chester County, EAC, Environment, environmental action committee, garbage, King Of Prussia, landfills, Montgomery County, PA, plant, recycling, single stream recycling, trash
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Japan Moves 8 Feet and Our Days Are Shortened
Scientists have reported the earthquake moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis. “At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a […]
Also posted in Science
Tagged Earth, earthquake, Japan, moved axis, shifted, shoreline, shorter day, tsnumai
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Chaos Theory and Tsunami Reach California
Has a tsunami ever affected the United States? Yes… just last week. Chaos Theory Manmade and natural events can change important characteristics of U.S. waterways, ports, and harbors, and investigating those changes are an important responsibility for NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey. Following last week’s tsunami, Coast Survey’s staff and equipment on the West Coast […]
Also posted in International, Science, weather
Tagged California, chaos theory, earthquake, harbors, Japan, marine transportation, ports, submerged debris, tsunami, waterways
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Increased Ethanol In Gasoline
There are concerns about using ethanol in gasoline. It is possible that ethanol is actually worse for the environment and increasing the rate of global warming; however, the EPA is allowing E15. E15 (a blend of gasoline and ethanol) In response to a request by Growth Energy under section 211(f)(4) of the Clean Air Act, […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Energy, Government, Science
Tagged autos, blend, cars, climate change, E15, Environment, EPA, ethanol, gas, gasoline, global warming, Government, regulations, Science, trucks
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