Quantum physics and plant biology seem like two branches of science that could not be more different, but surprisingly they may in fact be intimately tied. Quantum physics and plant biology seem like two branches of science that could not be more different, but surprisingly they may in fact be intimately tied. Researchers at DOE’s […]
Category Archives: Environment
Global Warming Refuge
Ocean currents may mitigate warming near handful of equatorial islands Coral reefs near the island nation of Kiribati may be somewhat protected from global warming. Credit and Larger Version Scientists predict ocean temperatures will rise in the equatorial Pacific by the end of the century, wreaking havoc on coral reef ecosystems. But a new study […]
Also posted in Science
Tagged carbon, carbon cycle, climate change, ecosystems, emissions, global warming, natural resources, ocean currents, plan, refuge, species, temperature
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Fires In Nepal
EARTH — Numerous forest fires were burning throughout Nepal when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image of the Siwalik Hills on April 24, 2012. Nepalese officials say they have counted at least 225 fires burning; the largest has destroyed more than 600 hectares (1,480) acres of forest. […]
Asteroids Impact On Earth
WASHINGTON — Research by NASA and international scientists concludes giant asteroids, similar or larger than the one believed to have killed the dinosaurs, hit Earth billions of years ago with more frequency than previously thought. To cause the dinosaur extinction, the killer asteroid that impacted Earth 65 million years ago would have been almost 6 […]
Also posted in Science
Tagged asteroids, dinosaurs, Earth, giant asteroids, impact, killer asteroid
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Antarctica Ice Loss
Warm Ocean Currents Cause Majority of Ice Loss from Antarctica WASHINGTON, DC (USA) — Warm ocean currents attacking the underside of ice shelves are the dominant cause of recent ice loss from Antarctica, a new study using measurements from NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) revealed. An international team of scientists used a […]
Also posted in Science
Tagged Antarctica, carbon, carbon cycle, climate change, ecosystems, emissions, global warming, greenhouse gases, ice loss, natural resources, plan, species, temperature
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Gummi Bears: Expert Says Global Warming May Be The End
WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, USA — Will human induced climate change cause the extinction of the Gummi Bear? An expert from West Chester University says, “Yes.” Stay tuned for the gooey details. More from the experiment “Human Induced Climate Change”
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Media
Tagged alien, Canada, climate change, economic impacts, Environment, global warming, Gummi Bears, gummy bears, heat, hot, inasive species, invaders
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Geomagnetic Storm Watch
As the strongest Solar Radiation Storm (S3) since May, 2005 continues, the associated Earthward-directed Coronal Mass Ejection is expected to arrive about 1400 UT (9am EST) Jan 24. SWPC has issued a Geomagnetic Storm Watch with G2 level storming likely and G3 level storming possible, with the storm continuing into Wednesday, Jan 25. All of […]
Also posted in Energy, Science, weather
Tagged Earth, eruption, Geomagnetic Storm, radio blackout, solar radiation, storm, Sun, weather, x-ray
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Attack On Occupy Philly
Also posted in Finance, Government, Law, Media, Politics, Society
Tagged arrested, arrests, Dilworth Plaza, eviction notice, fringe movement, Government, Occupy Philly, Philadelphia, police, protesters, USA, vacate
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