France said the number of cyber attacks against the defence ministry have doubled each year. 24,000 attacks had been thwarted in 2016. Security services have warded off attacks aimed at “tarnishing the image of the ministry as well as strategic attacks – harassment, surveillance, espionage – and even attempts to disrupt our drone systems,” Defence […]
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France Ups Cybersecurity
Posted in cybersecurity, International, Law, War And Peace
Tagged France, internet security, Russia
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Chilling Facts About Antarctica
by Daniel Brouse for The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment A 1,930 square mile chunk of ice is getting ready to fall off a glacier in Antarctica. In December 2016, a large crack appeared in part of Larsen C ice shelf. Global warming is increasing the temperature of the ocean water even more than the […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged Antarctica, climate change, ice melting, sea level rising
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U.S. Security-clearances Hacked
by Daniel Brouse for Membrane Domain Cybersecurity In 2014 and 2015, there were two major breaches of U.S. government databases holding personnel records and security-clearance files of at least 22.1 million people, including Social Security numbers and some fingerprints, of not only federal employees and contractors but their families and friends. U.S. officials have privately […]
Posted in cybersecurity, Government, Internet, Law
Tagged breaches, China, government data, hack
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Energy, Heat and Global Warming
By Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee for Sidd’s Science Center I ask: Is there anything humans do with energy that results in less heat? For example, furnaces generate heat, refrigerators generate heat, light bulbs generate heat, computers, cars, fans and even air conditioners create more heat. Is there anything that we do that has a […]
Posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science
Tagged burning wood, carbon dioxide, climate change, fossil fuels, heat, oil coal, work
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Russia Attempts to Hack Electric Grid
by Membrane Domain Cybersecurity Malware associated with a Russian hacking operation, Grizzly Steppe, was found on a Burlington Electric computer. It appears as though Russia was trying to access the power grid; however, the infected computer was not connected to the network. “Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of […]
Posted in cybersecurity, Internet
Tagged computer security, Grizzly Steppe, hack, internet security, power grid, Russia, spearphising
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Russia And Cybersecurity
by Membrane Domain Cybersecurity Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear are two hacking organizations from Russia. Cozy Bear (classified as advanced persistent threat APT29) are believed to be associated with Russian intelligence. Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM) is a cyber espionage group believed to be sponsored by the […]
Posted in cybersecurity, Internet
Tagged Cozy Bear, DNC, Fancy Bear, GOP, hack, Russia
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Yahoo Hacked
by Membrane Domain Cybersecurity In September, Yahoo disclosed that 500 million user accounts had been hacked. In December 2016, Yahoo announced that an additional one billion accounts had been hacked. “What’s most troubling is that this occurred so long ago, in August 2013, and no one saw any indication of a breach occurring until law […]
North Pole In Danger
In a study published by Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Marc Macias-Fauria, Andrew King, Peter Uhe, Sjoukje Philip, Sarah Kew, David Karoly, Friederike Otto, Myles Allen, and Heidi Cullen, the scientists found the unusually high temperatures around the North Pole in November–December 2016 were influenced by anthropogenic climate change: The climate of the North Pole in […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, ice melting, North Pole
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Antarctic Glacial Ice Melt
Australia’s ABC news reports: Scientists hope to discover how warm water is reaching one of the world’s largest glaciers, causing it to melt rapidly. Lead author Steve Rintoul said it was the first time scientists had been able to test the hypothesis that warm ocean waters were driving the glacier’s thinning. “We knew the Totten […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, International, Science
Tagged Antarctic, climate change, glaciers, ice melting, ocean temperature
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US Bans North Ocean Oil Exploration
United States-Canada Joint Arctic Leaders’ Statement THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary In March, President Obama and Prime Minister Trudeau announced a new partnership to embrace opportunities and confront challenges in the changing Arctic, with Indigenous and Northern partnerships, and responsible, science-based leadership. Over the past year, both countries have engaged a range […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Science
Tagged Canada, climate change, Obama
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