The LA Times reports,”The municipal bond market looks to satellites to help assess climate risk” The $3.8-trillion municipal-bond market has found a new tool in its effort to understand the effects of climate change: satellites orbiting Earth. Assessing climate risks is a particularly vexing problem given that U.S. state and local governments tend to give […]
Category Archives: Finance
The True Costs (and Benefitlessness) of a Trump Economy
January 23, 2020 What are the costs and benefits to the United States under a Trump economy? Financial Analysis: Current State of Affairs First, start with a financial analysis — a snapshot of the current economic health of the nation. What would a financial analysis that is similar to an individual applying for a bank […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Politics, Science
Tagged economy, flood insurance, real estate, tariffs, trade, Trump
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A Capitalist Growth Economy
International Economics 101 “On a finite planet, endless economic growth is impossible.” 1) The US is built on a “capitalist growth economy” 2) A capitalistic growth economy is dependent on population growth 3) Inbreeding of ignorant racists is not a growth economy strategy (such as Germany did through World War II) 4) Immigration (such as […]
Also posted in Business, Education, freedom, Government, History, International
Tagged capitalism, capitalist growth economy, economy, Germany, population growth, USA
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Floridians: You’re At Risk of Flooding
If you purchase real estate in a flood plain and obtain a mortgage, you will be required to purchase flood insurance. Roy Wright oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program. In a presentation to the Insurance-& Risk-Linked Securities Conference, Wright said to forget about checking the flood plain maps and check […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, FEMA, flood insurance, flood plain, flooding, Florida, real estate
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Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
“The [Federal Open Market Committee] will continue to strike a balance between avoiding an overheating economy and bringing … price inflation to 2 percent on a sustained basis,” Chairman Jerome H. Powell said Congress as Fed chair. The new Chairman of the Federal Reserve made his first testimony to Congress: The Congress has assigned us […]
Also posted in Business, Government, Politics
Tagged Federal Open Market Committee, Federal Reserve Bank
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The Economic Monsters: Inflation and Interest Rates
Economist Economic Forecast = Inflation (2018) Inflation Bites (2022) U.S. Mass Consumption Results in Global Economic Disparity, Inequity, and Poverty (2023) Investment Recommendation: Savings Bonds / I Bonds (2023) Your National Debt (2023) Economic Facts on Immigration, Budget Deficits and Inflation (2024) The Federal Reserve and the Chevron Decision (2024) Drill, Baby, Drill: The Existential […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Government, Politics
Tagged currency exchange rate, debt, Federal Reserve Balanace Sheet, hyper-inflation, inflation, interest rates, investments, money, real estate, tariffs, trade protectionism, Trump, wages
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Real Estate and the Rising Sea Level
by Daniel Brouse “Living near the water is incredibly appealing for people around the country, but it also comes with additional considerations for buyers and homeowners,” Zillow chief economist Svenja Gudell wrote in a new report. “Homes in low-lying areas are also more susceptible to storm flooding and these risks could be realized on a […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Law, Science
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, floods, real estate
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Flood Insurance and Rising Sea Levels
by Daniel Brouse Q: Who pays for flood insurance? A: The United States government, FEMA, covers losses for people that pay flood insurance premiums. Q: Does your homeowners insurance policy cover you in the event of flooding? A: No. Flood insurance coverage is very limited. For instance, basements and belonging in a basement are not […]
Also posted in Business, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Law, weather
Tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, houses, real estate, sea level rising
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Trade War! What Is It Good For?
By Daniel Brouse International Economics 101 What do you think of when you hear the term “trade war”? The costs and benefits to society are very similar to traditional warfare. 1) Financial Cost. A war is expensive. In a trade war, huge tariffs are placed on the purchase of imports. A tariff is a sales […]
Also posted in Agriculture, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Government, health and wellness, History, International, Law, Medicine, Politics, Religion, Science, War And Peace
Tagged costs, Economics, trade war
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The Panama Papers
By Daniel Brouse The Panama Papers is the name being attached to the world’s largest data breach. A Panama law firm known for offshore business structures had 11,000,000 files stolen. Most of the activities did not take place in Panama, so the name is a bit misleading. Most of the transactions took place in territories, […]
Also posted in Business, International, Media, taxes
Tagged North Korea, Panama Papers, Ponzi, sanctions, Syria, Vladimir Putin
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