by Sidd Mukherjee Historically in the United States, atmospheric rivers (AR) have been associated with the West Coast. Now, AR activity is getting more attention on the East Coast. Atmospheric rivers have been putting serious rainfall melt on Greenland for the last decade, too. Darker snow surfaces absorb more sunlight and melt quicker. This effect […]
Category Archives: Agriculture
Greenland Atmospheric Rivers
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Tagged cliamte change, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate, rising sea level
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West Coast Atmospheric Rivers
by Daniel Brouse As the Earth warms, the air will hold more moisture. More moisture-laden air moves over land and creates atmospheric rivers (Pineapple Express). The Journal EOS in the article Atmospheric Rivers Spur High-Tide Floods on U.S. West Coast said, “Atmospheric rivers are narrow bands of moisture that travel across the lower troposphere, generally […]
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Tagged cliamte change, climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, real estate
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Climate Change and the Carbon Feedback Loop
by Daniel Brouse The atmosphere is acting like a blanket… and the earth (land and sea) is acting like a battery. 91% of the energy (as heat) is trapped/stored in the oceans. Feedback Loops Example The Albedo feedback loop between the earth and the CO2 in the atmosphere accelerates global warming at an exponential rate. […]
Also posted in Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, feedback loops
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The Snowfall Feedback Loop
by Daniel Brouse November 26, 2023 Global warming is causing warmer and shorter winters. Not only are White Christmases less frequent, so are icebergs, sea ice, and glaciers. An analysis and maps from NOAA found snowfall is declining globally as temperatures warm due to anthropological climate change. As the atmosphere’s heat and humidity increase, precipitation […]
Also posted in Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Science, weather
Tagged Albedo Feedback, climate change, feedback loops, White Christmas
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The Age of Loss and Damage
by Daniel Brouse “For people, for other species, for the ecosystems, for the world we live in, we’ve entered the Age of Loss and Damage, but we’re just at the start. What we are seeing already just makes you want to cry,” said Dr. Christopher Trisos (BBC Interview / MP3 Format) from the University of […]
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Tagged climate change, loss and damage
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Rio Negro Climate Change Case Study
by Daniel Brouse November 11, 2023 What do you know about the Rio Negro as it relates to climate change and carbon sinks? The Rio Negro gets its name from its color. The black water is caused by highly acidic and carbon rich water. One scientist that lives on the river called it similar to […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged amazon, carbon sequestration, carbon sinks, climate change, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), feedback loops
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Deadly Humid Heat in the USA
Deadly humid heat affects billions including the US Midwest this century. “It’s very disturbing,” study co-author Matthew Huber of Purdue University. “It’s going to send a lot of people to emergency medical care.” The study Greatly enhanced risk to humans as a consequence of empirically determined lower moist heat stress tolerance was conducted by Purdue […]
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Tagged climate change, deaths, heat, real estate
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Tipped Tipping Points, Feedback Loops, and the Domino Effect
By Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee September 29, 2023 A look at three (3) of the multiple tipping points we appear to have breached and The Domino Effect: Mountain Glacier Loss Collapse of AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) Amazon Rainforest Dieback Crossing one tipping point would be alarming. For instance, crossing the tipping point for […]
Also posted in Business, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science, weather
Tagged Amazon Rainforest Dieback, AMOC, climate change, feedback loops, mountain glacier loss, rising sea level, tipping points
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Climate Change: Insurance Risk
The 9th National Risk Assessment for Homeowners Insurance found climate risks place 39 million U.S. homes at risk of losing their insurance. “Sound pricing is going to make it unaffordable to live in certain places as climate impacts emerge.” “There’s this climate insurance bubble out there,” said Jeremy Porter, the head of climate implications at […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, homeowners insurance, real estate, rising sea level, wildfires, wind
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Climate Change: The End of Times
by Daniel Brouse July 21, 2023 What will the “End of Times” look like? In the 1990’s, we wrote a paper on the worst-case scenario entitled, “The Impact of Governance & Globalization on Forecasting (The Tunnel Under Thesis).” The theory predicted that forecasting would become increasing difficult. “The result — a figurative, as well as, […]
Also posted in Business, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, freedom, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, International, Politics, Science, Society
Tagged climate change
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