By Daniel Brouse July 30, 2024 There are numerous reasons why a wealth tax can be a self-defeating fiasco, and the case of taxing someone like Elon Musk vividly illustrates this. A wealth tax on high-net-worth individuals could create a complex and problematic feedback loop involving the sale of Tesla stock and the associated capital […]
Tag Archives: economy
Wealth Taxes Are Illogical
Posted in Business, Finance, Global Warming, Government, taxes
Also tagged climate change
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Drill, Baby, Drill (How Hate and Ignorance Distort Economic Perspectives)
“Perhaps most importantly is the repeated use of the phrase ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’.” Economic Update: If Trump wins, great news for the very few people whose primary income comes from government securities interest! Unfortunately, very, very bad news for everyone else. Tariffs, protectionism, lack of immigration, and nationalism are all detrimental to the economy. Tariffs […]
Posted in Agriculture, Business, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, International, Science
Also tagged climate change
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The True Costs (and Benefitlessness) of a Trump Economy
January 23, 2020 What are the costs and benefits to the United States under a Trump economy? Financial Analysis: Current State of Affairs First, start with a financial analysis — a snapshot of the current economic health of the nation. What would a financial analysis that is similar to an individual applying for a bank […]
Posted in Business, Energy, Environment, Finance, Global Warming, Government, International, Politics, Science
Also tagged flood insurance, real estate, tariffs, trade, Trump
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A Capitalist Growth Economy
International Economics 101 “On a finite planet, endless economic growth is impossible.” 1) The US is built on a “capitalist growth economy” 2) A capitalistic growth economy is dependent on population growth 3) Inbreeding of ignorant racists is not a growth economy strategy (such as Germany did through World War II) 4) Immigration (such as […]
Posted in Business, Education, Finance, freedom, Government, History, International
Also tagged capitalism, capitalist growth economy, Germany, population growth, USA
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Occupy Philly and Wall Street Occupy Wall Street Protesters The “Occupy Wall Street” protests in Zuccotti Park by KingArthurCom YSCjZ1irxEk 1:02 Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 3 YSCjZ1irxEk 8bOAvsgzIYI Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 2 8bOAvsgzIYI gZWrnV1lzgM 0:15 Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 1 […]
Posted in Business, Government, Law, Politics, Society
Also tagged movement, Occupy Philly, Philadelphia, protesters, social network, Society, videos, Wall Street
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Market Economics
Slavery never went away. It just evolved into more efficient slavery: wage servitude. Men As Beasts of Burden
Posted in Business, Energy, Government, health and wellness, International, Politics, Society
Also tagged compassion, gilded age, money, monopoly, poverty, tyranny
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