January 23, 2020 What are the costs and benefits to the United States under a Trump economy? Financial Analysis: Current State of Affairs First, start with a financial analysis — a snapshot of the current economic health of the nation. What would a financial analysis that is similar to an individual applying for a bank […]
Category Archives: International
The True Costs (and Benefitlessness) of a Trump Economy
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Tagged economy, flood insurance, real estate, tariffs, trade, Trump
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Worst Economy Ever: United States Financial Health in 2020 Hindsight
by Daniel Brouse Economist, Pi Gamma Mu January 22, 2020 The U.S. economy is the worst in history. There are several measures for the health of an economy. One of the best is the “debt to GDP” ratio. National debt divided by the nation’s gross domestic product = debt to GDP ratio. During 2019, the […]
Also posted in Business, Global Warming, Government, Politics
Tagged climate change, debt to GDP ratio, econmy, fiscal, fiscal policy, public debt
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Climate Change and Disaster Displacement
The UN Refugee Agency reports: Research indicates that the Earth’s climate is changing at a rate that has exceeded most scientific forecasts. Some families and communities have already started to suffer from disasters and the consequences of climate change, which has forced them to leave their homes in search of a new beginning. UNHCR recognizes […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, climate change refugees
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Netherlands Double Whammy
Molly Quell reports: Blowing in the Wind: Why the Netherlands Is Sinking Over the centuries, windmills built to drain peatland for agriculture have been causing the ground to steadily sink. This subsidence means that in a low-lying nation famous for engineering its way around rising seas, the ground is also sinking lower, creating huge problems […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, rising sea level
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Scientists Declare Climate Emergency
Over 11,000 scientists have issued a warning over the climate crisis. The American Institute of Biological Science published the report World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency. Climate-Emergency Scientists have a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat and to “tell it like it is.” On the basis of this obligation and […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science
Tagged climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency
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The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
The latest Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC)Special Report high lights the urgency of prioritizing timely, ambitious and coordinated action to address unprecedented and enduring changes in the ocean and cryosphere. The report states the sea level is rising much faster than previously forecast. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns one billion people will […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, Government, Science
Tagged climate change, rising sea level
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The Collapse Of Nature
Worldwide insect populations are in decline by as much as 80%. Insects are in a downward spiral threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, as reported by a global scientific review. “Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades. The […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, children, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Science, Society, Trees, weather
Tagged climate change, collapse, extinction, insects
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Extreme Weather Events Getting More Extreme
The U.N. has released a report entitled, “Extreme Weather Continues in 2018 – a Continuing Call to Climate Action”. Addressing the dangers associated with extreme weather conditions, the Executive Secretary of the UN Climate Change Patricia Espinosa said: “We must keep an eye on the future. As the superstorms and monsoon flooding of last year […]
Also posted in Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, health and wellness, Politics, Science
Tagged climate change, extreme weather events, fires, flooding, floods, wildfires
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A Capitalist Growth Economy
International Economics 101 “On a finite planet, endless economic growth is impossible.” 1) The US is built on a “capitalist growth economy” 2) A capitalistic growth economy is dependent on population growth 3) Inbreeding of ignorant racists is not a growth economy strategy (such as Germany did through World War II) 4) Immigration (such as […]
Also posted in Business, Education, Finance, freedom, Government, History
Tagged capitalism, capitalist growth economy, economy, Germany, population growth, USA
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Underwater: Sea Level Rise
In a recent study by Matthias Mengel, Alexander Nauels, Joeri Rogelj & Carl-Friedrich Schleussner entitled “Committed sea-level rise under the Paris Agreement and the legacy of delayed mitigation action” published in the Journal Nature, the authors contend — sea levels will rise between 0.7 and 1.2 meters (27-47 inches) in the next two centuries even […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Science
Tagged climate change, NOAA, rising sea level, sea level rise, Sea Level Rise Viewer
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