Category Archives: Energy

China Drought: Shortage of Hydropower

Al Jazeera reports, Chinese factories close as drought hits hydropower. “Factories in China’s southwest have shut down after reservoirs used to generate hydropower ran low in a worsening drought.” Unfortunately, the factory shutdowns include most of the global solar panel production, as well as Tesla electric vehicles. Leave power for the people,” said an order […]

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Colorado River: Catastrophic Collapse

Water wars… coming to a state near you: “A 23-year drought has been drying up the Colorado River and the effects of climate change, both in terms of extreme heat and low precipitation, are making that more severe.” “For the second year in a row, the federal government said Arizona, Nevada and Mexico will have […]

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Climate Change: A Hard Rain Is Falling

by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee In a vacuum, everything falling to earth accelerates at 9.8 m/s^2 (32ft/s^2) [the downward speed increases at 9.8 m/s (32 ft/s) every second.] Rain accelerates down to earth initially at 9.8 m/s^2, but air resistance slows the drops to a constant speed called the terminal velocity which depends on […]

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Green Energy Storage: The Sand Battery

by Daniel Brouse One of the main problems with solar and wind energy is storage. They are great for making electricity when the sun is out or the wind is blowing, but how can you store energy for dark windless nights in the cold of winter of the heat of summer? Neither lead acid nor […]

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Obtaining Net Zero: Can we use solar to electrify everything?

by Daniel Brouse June 25, 2022 Q: What about solar energy? Can’t we use solar for everything? A: Solar can provide all the energy we need for cars. Solar can provide around 50% of our overall electric needs. However, solar will not work for ships and jets… nor steel or cement. Solar could produce green […]

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How to Go Net-zero and Beyond

by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee June 22, 2022 Reaching “net zero” is easy, cheap, and saves you thousands of dollars, not to mention, you can help save the planet. Here are some things I’ve done to reach net zero without sacrificing my standard-of-living. In fact, I’ve gone beyond net zero in an attempt to […]

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Observed Increases in Well-mixed Greenhouse Gases

2021 saw the largest emissions of greenhouse gases in human history. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported: The Current State of the Climate * It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. * Observed increases in […]

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Climate Change: Code Red for Humanity

The UN’s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control) release their latest report that has been compiled and peer-reviewed over the last 8 years. U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres described the report as “a code red for humanity.” “The alarm bells are deafening, and the evidence is irrefutable: greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning and deforestation […]

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Daniel Brouse: About the Author

Q: Any background on membrane .com? A: In 1994, I started a publishing company with another scientist (low temperature physicist and co-builder of the Ohio States supercomputer). The name of the publishing company is The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment. As the name suggests, it is a scientific experiment in the publishing of arts and science. At […]

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Methane Emissions Soar to Record High

Methane is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases… and, is part of an exponential negative feedback loop: Methane in the atmosphere causes the climate to warm A warmer climate causes permafrost to melt… Releasing more methane and CO2… Making the climate warmer… Melting more permafrost… Releasing more methane and CO2… Melting, more permafrost, etc., […]

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