The two major contributors to today’s inflation that a President can influence are insufficient immigration and federal budget deficits. Both Trump and Biden administrations have played significant roles in these issues. Through May of 2024, average hourly wage growth has exceeded inflation for 12 straight months. Economic Facts on Inflation and Wage Inflation Current Impacts […]
Tag Archives: immigration
Economic Facts on Immigration, Budget Deficits and Inflation
Posted in Agriculture, Business, Education, Energy, Environment, freedom, Government, Politics, Science, taxes
Also tagged federal budget deficits, inflation
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Immigration and the Wage Inflation Spiral
An important factor in our inflation situation is immigration. The US has stagnant population growth (as does the UK, EU, etc. Japan has a declining population.) During the Trump administration, the US drastically curtailed immigration. The Biden administration continues to do so today. The result has been wage inflation. The wage inflation that started in […]
Posted in Business, Finance, Government, International
Also tagged inflation, Trump, wage inflation
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