New studies have shown that listening to music, or better yet playing a musical instrument, helps keep the brain from aging. The Alzheimer’s association suggests doing both activities. The latest study shows playing an instrument can add 5 years to anti-aging of the brain. Wikipedia says: Instruments are often implemented in Music Therapy (MT) for […]
Category Archives: Medicine
Top 10 Causes Of Death
A newly published study called “The Global Burden Of Disease” details the state of world health. Although the human lifespan is increasing, the amount of healthy years is not. The top ten causes of death are: World Deaths in millions % of deaths Ischaemic heart disease 7.25 12.8% Stroke and other cerebrovascular disease 6.15 10.8% […]
Also posted in children, Education, health and wellness, Science
Tagged AIDS, diabetes, diarrhea, disease, fitness, global burden of disease, health, heart disease, ill, infection, life, lifestyles, living, repiratory, sick, sickness, traffic accidents, wellness, world
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3D Fetus Models
Tthe Parkside Hiroo Ladies Clinic in Tokyo is partnering with Japanese engineering company Fasotec to produce a 3D model of fetuses. The process is being called the “Shape of an Angel”. The model is created though a multi-step process that converts an MRI scan of the mother’s womb to an the image that is then […]
Also posted in Business, children, health and wellness, Science, Society
Tagged 3D Fetus Model, 3D printer, babies, cat scan, pregnant, Shape Of An Angel, ultrasound
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When the World Burned Less
More On Climate Change In the years after Columbus’ voyage, burning of New World forests and fields diminished significantly – a phenomenon some have attributed to decimation of native populations by European diseases. But a new University of Utah-led study suggests global cooling resulted in fewer fires because both preceded Columbus in many regions worldwide. […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Environment, health and wellness, Society, weather
Tagged 1500, Aztecs, buring, climate change, Earth, fire, global warming, Incas, little ice age, Mayans
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Baby Formula
Equation for The Meaning Of Live Ironically, the Brouses coined the phrase “In God We Trust” for the United States Mint. What is the meaning of life? What makes man different from other animals? Baby Formula: Equation for the Meaning of Life .mp4 Video
Also posted in Business, children, Education, Finance, health and wellness, music, Society
Tagged 30 Seconds To Mars, Brouse, cure, Dr. Daniel Mohan, Dr. Paul Steveler, equation, fountain of youth, health, Jourdaine Middleton, meaning of life, MS, strobe lights, wellness
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How to Mend a Broken Bone
Question: Can you give me broken bone advice? Usage. Check with your doctor first; however, in most instances certain motions and impacts actually help speed bone growth. Vitamin D. Most Americans have a vitamin D deficiency. A simple blood screening can reveal your level. Chances are large you should be taking a D supplement. Vitamin […]
Also posted in health and wellness, Science
Tagged advice, blood test, bone stinulator, broken bone, broken leg, deficiency, electronic stimulation, health, Medicine, sunlight, usage, Vitamin D, wellness
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