A study published in the Journal Nature, Inequitable patterns of US flood risk in the Anthropocene, models a 26.4% (24.1–29.1%) increase in US flood risk by 2050 due to climate change. “Our national depiction of comprehensive and high-resolution flood risk estimates in the United States indicates current average annual losses of US$32.1 billion (US$30.5–33.8 billion) […]
Tag Archives: real estate
26% Increase in US Flood Risk by 2050 Due to Climate Change
Posted in Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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25% of Critical Infrastructure at Risk of Flooding
The First Street Foundation, a nonprofit research and technology group that assesses the threat posed by flooding across the country, released a report that found one-forth of critical infrastructure in the USA is at risk of flooding including: police and fire stations, hospitals, airports and wastewater treatment facilities. “With an increasing number of flooding 1events […]
Posted in Global Warming, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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The Cost of Flood Insurance
An article in the New York Times entitled The Cost of Insuring Expensive Waterfront Homes Is About to Skyrocket states, “Federal officials say the goal is fairness — and also getting homeowners to understand the extent of the risk they face, and perhaps move to safer ground, reducing the human and financial toll of disasters.” […]
Posted in Global Warming, Government, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, extreme weather events, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Rising Sea Level Turning New Jersey Cedars into Ghost Forests
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection released the “New Jersey’s Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment” ccvamp-final The sea level is rising faster than forecast. Saltwater intrusion is a current and severe problem. The United States Geological Survey reports, “Saltwater intrusion has occurred to some degree in many of the coastal aquifers of the United States. […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, rising sea level, saltwater intrusion
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Coastal Real Estate Financial Crisis
The rising sea level is putting a trillion dollars of real estate at high risk. “The question is no longer if rising seas will erode coastal home values, but who will get stuck with the devalued assets when the markets turn,” reported Dee Gill. “Alarmingly, more than half of that (at-risk property) exposure is estimated […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, sea level rise
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National Flood Insurance Program Increasing Rates
FEMA is updating the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) risk rating methodology through the implementation of a new pricing methodology called Risk Rating 2.0. The methodology leverages industry best practices and cutting-edge technology to enable FEMA to deliver rates that are actuarily sound, equitable, easier to understand and better reflect a property’s flood risk. The […]
Posted in Global Warming, Government, Science, weather
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Increasing Cost and Risk of Flood Insurance
The cost of flood damage to homes nationwide will increase by more than 50% in the next 30 years, the First Street Foundation estimates. Flood Insurance Forecast A report by NPR radio, A Looming Disaster: New Data Reveal Where Flood Damage Is An Existential Threat, found: The federal government provides the vast majority of residential […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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Increasing Cost of Flood Insurance
“Increased awareness of flood risk and rising future insurance costs impact perceptions of value, which will impact real estate markets,” said Matthew Eby, founder and executive director of First Street Foundation. First Street Foundation published a report that concludes: “Rising sea levels and extreme weather could cause $20 billion of flood damage to at-risk U.S. […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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The Cumulative Costs of Climate Change
“The crisis carries a profound warning. As climate change brings more frequent and intense storms, floods, heat waves, wildfires and other extreme events, it is placing growing stress on the foundations of the country’s economy: Its network of roads and railways, drinking-water systems, power plants, electrical grids, industrial waste sites and even homes. Failures in […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged Business, climate change, costs, global warming, human activity, human induced
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Flood Factor: Estimate Flood Insurance Risk by Address
Flood Factor allows you to enter a property address to determine the future risk of severe flooding. Access data calculated by a team of more than 80 world-renowned experts using decades of peer-reviewed research. Over 142 million properties, neighborhoods, and cities analyzed View any home’s Flood Factor and understand what can be done to protect […]
Posted in Environment, Global Warming, Science
Also tagged climate change, flood insurance, flooding, rising sea level
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