by Daniel Brouse 1. GMO Foods Are Bad 2. Sandy Hook Was a Drill 3. 9/11 Was a Government Conspiracy 4. Contrails Contain Chemicals (Chemtrails) 5. [Request your myth to be busted.] 1. GMO Foods Are Bad Humans have been genetically modifying foods for thousands of years. There is no evidence that eating GMO food […]
Category Archives: taxes
Top Myths Busted
Also posted in Agriculture, Education, Environment, Global Warming, Government, International, Media, Science, Society, weather
Tagged 9/11, chemtrails, false, global warming, GMO Foods, Government Conspiracy, hoax, myth, not true, Sandy Hook
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First Global Pollution Tax
The United Nations’ aviation agency (International Civil Aviation Organization) approved the initial steps in implementing a worldwide tax on greenhouse gas emissions from airplanes. If the proposal gets accepted, it would take effect in 2022. The European Union had been seeking a more robust agreement: “While we would have liked more countries to accept our […]
Also posted in Environment, Global Warming, International, Science
Tagged cap-and-trade, carbon credits, carbon emissions, climate change, emissions trading, Emissions Trading Scheme, ETS, global warming, greenhouse gases, offset progams, pollution reduction systems, pollution tax, stop global warming
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Are Bio-fuels Worse for the Environment?
by Daniel Brouse The Membrane Domain Q: Are bio-fuels, ethanol, and re-cycled restaurant oils worse for the environment? A: Yes. The more volatile nature and ozone emissions used as a fossil fuel substitute appear to be much more harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. Though fossil fuels need to be eliminated as soon as […]
Also posted in Agriculture, Business, Education, Energy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Politics, Science
Tagged bio-diesel, biofuel, climate change, dangers, enivronment, ethanol, food, fossil fuels, fraud, global warming, Government, important issues. bio-fuel, myth, ocean temperatures, pollutions, President, re-cycled restaurant oils, trees, United States, warming
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Just Say No To Taxes
by Daniel Brouse I suggested that there should be little (to no) taxes. You responded: How does any of this function without taxation…? I would like to know your thinking on this… it doesn’t seem to be working now and sure doesn’t favor poor to middle class… but I think this is too long to […]
Also posted in Business, Finance, freedom, Government, liberty, Politics, Society
Tagged benefits, bureaucracy, Business, corruption, coss, Daniel Brouse, Economics, Government, national debt, Occupy Philadelphia, Occupy Wall Street, pay taxes, taxation, taxes, war
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