NAD+ Plus Immune System Diet (CISP CPD)

By Daniel Brouse

THE NAD+ PLUS DIET (COVID Induced Secondary Pellagra and COVID Prevention Diet)

The NAD+ Plus Diet is based on research by Dr. Ade Wentzel (Port Elizabeth, South Africa), Robert Miller (Cape Town) and Guy Richards (Johannesburg). The team of scientist developed a diet based protocol that boosts NAD+ and the immune system.

THE PROTOCOL: Niacin B3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium

Boosting NAD+ is of particular importance when it comes to COVID-19. NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is in every cell of your body. NAD+ is involved in cell creation, maintenance, metabolism, and regulating cell processes. COVID both increases the breakdown of NAD+ and decreases the production of NAD+. If you have suboptimal NAD+ prior to contracting COVID, the coronavirus is likely to make the symptoms more severe and persist longer in duration (resulting in death.) Boosting your NAD+ can also help with aging, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and most other ailments and illness.

By maintaining lifestyle and diet, COVID-19 can be prevented and/or shortened in severity and duration. COVID-long Haulers Syndrome can be cured. Long haulers syndrome is COVID-19 Induced Secondary Pellagra (CISP).

Coffee and red wine are rich in Quercetin. Dieting can be fun. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in fruits and vegetables. There isn’t a Recommended Daily Allowance and the dosage depends on your weight; however, at least a 100mg per day is a good rule of thumb. 500-1000mg per day may be needed to boost NAD+. The highest levels are found in:

  • Onions 19.36mg per 100g serving [Red onion 32mg]
  • Dill (fresh) 55mg per 100g serving
  • Hot wax yellow peppers, raw 50mg per 100g serving
  • Radish leaves 70mg per 100g serving
  • Cilantro 53mg per 100g serving
  • Capers 173mg per 100g serving

The Recommended Daily Allowance of Zinc is 10-15mg per day.

  • Water. Drinking water is rich in Zinc. Do not drink filtered water. Do not drink purified bottled water. Zinc is naturally present in water. The amount of Zinc in your water depends on the local geology and hydrologic cycle. The World Health Organization says, “In natural surface waters, the concentration of zinc is usually below 10 µg/litre, and in groundwaters, 10–40 µg/litre. In tapwater, the zinc concentration can be much higher as a result of the leaching of zinc from piping and fittings.” WARNING: If you live in an area where it is not safe to drink the water, or the zinc in the water is not sufficient, you may need to take a 10-15mg supplement.
    Nutrients In Drinking Water
    USDA Study shows regional mineral content of public and well water.
  • Meat and marine organisms contain 10–50 mg/kg wet weight

Vitamin C
The Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin C is 60mg per day. For NAD+ boosting, 500-1000mg may be required. Whole foods are recommended. Juicing may provide higher concentrations of Vitamin C; however, other nutritional benefits are lost in the process. You may need to supplement your diet with 500mg of Vitamin C per day.

  • Red pepper, sweet raw 95mg per 1/2 cup serving
  • Orange 70mg per serving
  • Broccoli cooked 39mg per 1/2 cup serving
  • Strawberries 49mg per 1/2 cup serving
  • Potato 17mg per 1/2 cup serving
  • Tomato 17mg mg per 1/2 cup serving

Vitamin D
The Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D is 600-1,000iu per day. For NAD+ boosting, you may need to supplement your diet with 1,000-2,000iu of D3 per day. Few foods naturally contain vitamin D.

  • Sunlight. 15 minutes of sunshine per day. 90% of your body’s Vitamin D comes from the photosynthesis of sunlight to the skin. UVB light causes a reaction resulting in Vitamin D and other photoproducts essential for a healthy immune system. WARNING: UVB can cause cancer.
  • Fatty fish and seafood / Trout 645iu per serving
  • Mushrooms 366iu per 1/2 cup raw
  • Egg yolks 44iu per 1 scrambled egg
  • Fortified milk 120iu per cup

The Recommended Daily Allowance of Selenium is 55mcg per day. Care should be taken not to overdose on Selenium. Consuming 50 Brazil nuts in one day can lead to selenosis resulting in breathing problems, heart attack, kidney failure, and death. Selenium supplements are not recommended.

  • Brazil nut 1 (one) 78mcg
  • Shrimp 3oz 40mcg
  • Chicken 3oz white meat 22mcg
  • Beef 3oz 18mcg

Niacin B3
The Recommended Daily Allowance of Niacin is 16mg per day. Niacin is your main precursor to creating NAD+. It is the most important component of the diet. It is also the most difficult to find sufficient quantities of in food. Most Americans get their Niacin from fortified breakfast cereal. Niacin is sprayed on the outside along with several other vitamins. It would take 100 bowls of Wheaties/day to correct a niacin deficiency. To obtain the amount of Niacin needed from a natural diet would require 4 pounds of liver a day or 62 pounds of cabbage (not recommended). You will likely need to supplement your diet with 50-100mg of Niacin per meal in order to boost your NAD+ and immune system. Nicotinic acid is essential, NOT nicotinamide.

  • Beef liver pan fried 3oz 15mg
  • Chicken breast 3oz 10mg
  • Marinara (spaghetti) sauce, ready to serve, 1 cup

Having survived COVID-19, I became inflicted with COVID-long Haulers Syndrome. After searching for a cause and a cure, I found The Vitamin and Mineral Protocol. The dosage depends on your age, weight, preexisting conditions, and what COVID has done to your body. The above diet is what cured me. You may need to increase the dosage of supplements.

COVID-19 Testimonial
Getting and Recovering from COVID.

The NAD+ Plus Immune Boosting Diet may treat other conditions. If you are on drugs to help regulate your preexisting conditions, you may need to reduce your dosage. Perhaps someone on Lisinopril for high blood pressure, or Warfarin to thin their blood, or maybe Metformin for their type 2 diabetes, should have concern that replenishing your NAD+ will cause the medication to be too strong. You should check with your doctor about lowering your dosage.

Robert Miller said, “Metaformin is a complex 1 inhibitor that will mess with NAD+ redox and NAD+ levels. As for lowering doses, yes, NAD+ boosting is highly likely to create a need to lower some medication but this must be done with a medical professional.”

Ade Wentzel added, “Quercetin and Warfarin should be monitored as the Warfarin effect may be changed. Nicotinic acid can reduce blood pressure and blood sugar in those with raised numbers so this needs to be monitored carefully.”

COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Novel Coronavirus

COVID-19 Emergency Management Plan

COVID: The Cure?
Could Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) be both a prophylactic and a treatment for COVID-19?

COVID-19: NAD+ Protocol
NAD+ is a crucial part of the immune system. COVID depletes your NAD+.
Included in the elements you need are Vitamin B3, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium.

COVID Long Haulers Syndrome: NAD+ Deficiency
Research by Ade Wentzel, Robert Miller, and Guy Richards has found COVID-long (Long Haulers Syndrome) is a result of an NAD+ deficiency caused by SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus).

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Created by: Daniel Brouse and Sidd
All text, sights and sounds © BROUSE
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