COVID-19 Long Haulers Syndrome and NAD+ Deficiency

by Daniel Brouse

Research by Ade Wentzel, Robert Miller, and Guy Richards has found COVID-long (Long Haulers Syndrome) is a result of an NAD+ deficiency caused by SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus). [1] The study Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 induced pneumonia with NAD+ in a mouse model confirms the team’s findings. “Our in vivomouse study supports trials for treating COVID-19 patients with NAD+ or its precursors.” [2] The onset of symptoms in “waves” over a period of weeks is likely secondary to exercise (probably consumption of NAD+.)

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential part of the body’s immune system. NAD+ is involved in cell creation, maintenance, metabolism, and regulating cell processes. COVID both increases the breakdown of NAD+ and decreases the production of NAD+.

Long haulers’ symptoms can be traced to a lack of the NAD+ building blocks, as well as, unregulated NAD+ cell processes.

Pellagra = NAD+ and tryptophan deficiency (nicotinic acid, niacin)
Breast = oxytocin
BP = vasopressin
Serotonin = tryptophan
Muscle cramps = calcium metabolism

A COVID NAD+ deficiency can cause a lack of serotonin regulation resulting in a lack of body temperature regulation. Ade Wentzel said, “NAD+ deficiency causes a lack of Tryptophan which is used for serotonin production and hence temperature… really the same as pellagra. The brain fog is part of low NAD+ and tryptophan. [3] If you have a NAD+ deficiency before contracting COVID, it could kill you.” Pellagra is a multiple-deficiency disease associated with diets providing low levels of niacin and/or tryptophan and often involving other B vitamins resulting in changes in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Skin lesions, gastrointestinal lesions (including nausea, excessive salivation, a burning sensation in the epigastrium, and diarrhoea), and nervous lesions (including anxiety, depression, and fatigue; later symptoms include apathy, headache, dizziness, irritability and tremors) are all symptoms of pellagra and CISP (Covid Induced Secondary Pellagra). [4}

At this point in time, the safest and most effective treatment is to replenish the body’s NAD+. The most important building block is Niacin (B3). Care should be taken in obtaining the correct kind of B3. Robert Miller offered, “Avoid Inositol Nicotinate (non-flushing B3).” Ade added, “We suggest you use nicotinic acid (niacin B3). We also believe it works most directly to increase NAD+. Niacin doesn’t cause liver problems. Non-flush niacin does though.” (Robert and Ade’s Guide to Niacin)

“Some people respond really quickly to the protocol, and some really slowly needing bigger nicotinic acid doses. Different symptoms respond at different speeds. You may have to supplement for 6 months still,” notes Ade.

The complete Miller/Wentzel/Richards “COVID NAD+ protocol” to correct a NAD+ deficiency:
NAD+ = nicotinic acid (niacin B3), Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium

MORE ON COVID: COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Novel Coronavirus
1. COVID-19: NAD+ deficiency may predispose the aged, obese and type2 diabetics to mortality through its effect on SIRT1 activity Wentzel, Miller, Richards
COVID-19: NAD+ Deficiency by Wentzel, Miller, Richards (PDF)

2. Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 induced pneumonia with NAD+ in a mouse model Jiang, Deng, Ma, Pang, Hu, Qin, Xu
COVID-19 in Mice / NAD+ (PDF)

3. Joseph Goldberger’s research on the prevention of pellagra Alfredo Morabia

4. PELLAGRA and its prevention and control in major emergencies WHO
Pellagra Prevention and Control

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