Category Archives: Energy

Climate Change: 2023 the Year in Review

by Sidd Mukherjee and Daniel Brouse Sidd said, “Do you remember back in the early 2000’s when we thought we wouldn’t live to see the extreme changes due to global warming?” Daniel replied, “I think 2023 is the most significant year so far. We saw confirmation of tipping points being crossed for Mountain Glacier Loss, […]

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The Domino Effect / Snowball Effect

by Brouse and Mukherjee Tipping points are Critical Milestones that directly impact the rate of acceleration in climate change by multiplying the number and intensity of feedback loops. Push a glass toward the edge of a table and eventually it will fall off on its own. No matter how slowly or meticulously you push… no […]

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October 2023 Record Heat

November 2023 The planet added another record-breaking month to 2023, with October ranking as the warmest October in the 174-year global climate record. Last month was also 2023’s fifth month in a row of record-warm global temperatures, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The average global temperature for October was 2.41°F […]

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Deadly Humid Heat in the USA

Deadly humid heat affects billions including the US Midwest this century. “It’s very disturbing,” study co-author Matthew Huber of Purdue University. “It’s going to send a lot of people to emergency medical care.” The study Greatly enhanced risk to humans as a consequence of empirically determined lower moist heat stress tolerance was conducted by Purdue […]

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Climate Denial Part II: Freedom of Speech

by Daniel Brouse Climate Scientist Climate Denial Part I: A Climate Denier Making a “False Narrative” Political Stand Climate Denial Part II: Freedom of Speech, Authority, and Regulation According to an analysis from the Center for American Progress, there are still 139 Republicans in the 117th Congress, including 109 representatives and 30 senators, who refuse […]

Also posted in Environment, freedom, Global Warming, Government, health and wellness, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science | Tagged , | Comments closed

Climate Change Case Study: How to Shutdown a Climate Denier

by Daniel Brouse Climate Scientist Climate Change Case Study: How to shutdown a climate denier making a “false narrative” political stand Darren Wolfe is the self-proclaimed “world’s first authoritarian libertarian” In this study, we show how to prove liars about climate change are lying. According to an analysis from the Center for American Progress, there […]

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Climate Change: Rate of Acceleration

By Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukhurjee August 25, 2023 How fast are humans causing the climate to change? When we started our experiments in the 1990’s, we thought the time scale was in millenniums. If climate change were happening on a linear basis, we would have been correct; however, by the late 90’s we were […]

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Hawaii Wildfires Increased Flow Volumes, Damage, and Deaths

By Daniel Brouse August 13, 2023 Physicist Sidd Mukherjee said, “Wind and water flow forces scale as the square of velocity, so as flow speeds increase (say due to more intense heating or heavier rain) the damage scales as the square of the velocity. That force is proportional to density times square of velocity (v^2).” […]

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Climate Change: Increasing the Energy

by Daniel Brouse and Sidd Mukherjee Technically Speaking, It’s Not the Momentum That Kills You It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end. Technically speaking it is the impact from the momentum that causes damage and deaths. Global warming causes an increase in mass and/or velocity (momentum) of things […]

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Climate Change: the Equation

By Daniel Brouse August 5, 2023 I’ve been thinking about the giant global warming formula that has been formulating in my head for the last few decades. Human induced climate change is an exponential component of an unordered system (chaos theory). Though the equation is complex… too complicated to write down… I’ve lately begun considering […]

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