Category Archives: Energy

California’s First Cap-and-Trade Auction

CALIFORNIA, USA — It has been a long time coming, but finally the United States has started creating a market to tax pollution. The Environmental Defense Fund says: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released the results from California’s first cap-and-trade auction held last Wednesday, November 14. The CARB summary report demonstrates that the auction […]

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Sweet Find: Space Sugar Discovered

NASA — The prospects for life in the Universe just got sweeter, with the first discovery of a simple sugar molecule in space. The discovery of glycolaldehyde in a giant cloud of gas and dust near the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy was made by scientists using the National Science Foundation’s 12 Meter […]

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Australia Carbon Tax

On July 1, 2012 Australia will impose a price on carbon emissions. A price on carbon is the most environmentally effective and economically efficient way to reduce pollution. This means our economy can continue to prosper – without our pollution continuing to grow. The Government’s plan for a clean energy future includes four key components. […]

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Geomagnetic Storm Watch

As the strongest Solar Radiation Storm (S3) since May, 2005 continues, the associated Earthward-directed Coronal Mass Ejection is expected to arrive about 1400 UT (9am EST) Jan 24. SWPC has issued a Geomagnetic Storm Watch with G2 level storming likely and G3 level storming possible, with the storm continuing into Wednesday, Jan 25. All of […]

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Occupy Philadelphia Reply to the Mayor

Press Conference at Occupy Philly November 14, 2011 ~ 1PM by Daniel Brouse CITY HALL, PHILADELPHIA, PA On November 13, 2011, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter held a press conference changing his posture on the Occupy Philadelphia movement. During the show, he reversed his position on the protesters being allowed to obtain a new permit when the […]

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Occupy Wall Street Occupy Philly

0:26 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Occupy Philly 0:49 0:33 0:46 High Definition Pictures The Article * Occupy Wall Street? Occupy Yourself! *

Also posted in Business, Environment, Government, health and wellness, Law, Opinion, Politics, Society, War And Peace | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments closed

Market Economics

Slavery never went away. It just evolved into more efficient slavery: wage servitude. Men As Beasts of Burden

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Increased Ethanol In Gasoline

There are concerns about using ethanol in gasoline. It is possible that ethanol is actually worse for the environment and increasing the rate of global warming; however, the EPA is allowing E15. E15 (a blend of gasoline and ethanol) In response to a request by Growth Energy under section 211(f)(4) of the Clean Air Act, […]

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