Tag Archives: protesters

Why I Occupy

Me… making my *Why I Occupy* video from Dilworth Plaza, City Hall, Philadelphia two days after the Police State start. * Keep government out of big business! * Let citizens be free! * Just say NO to a police state! More on Why I Occupy

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Homeland Security Raid On Occupy Philadelphia

Videos from the early morning raid on Occupy Philadelphia by Homeland Security and the Philadelphia Police Department: CAMERA 1 Low Def 1:21 Occupy Philadelphia Final Stand LoDef Bonus Girl In Tree November 30 2011 2 0:09 Occupy Philadelphia Final Stand LoDef Bonus Girl In Tree November 30 2011 1 5:47 Occupy Philadelphia Final Stand LoDef […]

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Homeland Security Occupys Philadelphia

December 1, 2011 by Daniel Brouse PHILADELPHIA, PA — When the police raided Occupy Philadelphia at Dilworth Plaza surrounding City Hall, it was obvious there had been a change in command. The Philadelphia Police went from being cordial to being aggressive and violent. What was the cause for the change in demeanor? An eye witness […]

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In-Your-Face Police at Occupy Philadelphia

Police laid siege to Dilworth Plaza and now occupy Philadelphia City Hall.

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Attack On Occupy Philly

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Official Notice to Vacate Occupy Philadelphia

November 17, 2011 by Daniel Brouse CITY HALL, PHILADELPHIA, PA: The city of Philadelphia gave official notice to the protesters of Occupy Philly to vacate Dilworth Plaza that adjoins City Hall.

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Occupy Philly Fringe Movement Arrested

Comcast Building, Philadelphia, PA November 2, 2011 by Daniel Brouse Individuals that identified themselves as being with Occupy Philly got arrested at the Comcast building. It is believed they invaded private property and/or committed illegal trespass. The Philadelphia Police were patient and cordial as protestors were put into paddy wagons.

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Occupy Philly and Wall Street

KingArthur.com: Occupy Wall Street Protesters The “Occupy Wall Street” protests in Zuccotti Park by KingArthurCom YSCjZ1irxEk 1:02 Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 3 YSCjZ1irxEk 8bOAvsgzIYI Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 2 8bOAvsgzIYI gZWrnV1lzgM 0:15 Occupy Philly Rainy Day City Hall Philadelphia 2011 10 19 1 […]

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Occupy Wall Street Occupy Philly

0:26 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Occupy Philly 0:49 0:33 0:46 High Definition Pictures The Article * Occupy Wall Street? Occupy Yourself! *

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