by Daniel Brouse
NAD+ is a crucial part of the immune and neurological systems. COVID depletes your NAD+. The body needs the time and materials necessary to replenish NAD+. Included in the elements you need are Vitamins C, B3 (Niacin), D, Quercetin, Zinc, and Selenium.
In their paper, COVID-19: NAD+ deficiency, Robert Miller and Ade Wentzel explain the role of NAD+ in the severity of COVID-19 and the depletion of niacin and tryptophan.
I asked Robert Miller, “Is the NAD+ depletion what causes the tryptophan shortage?”
Robert replied, “Post Covid-19 is CISP (Covid Induced Secondary Pellagra) which causes the body to divert tryptophan to NAD+ production at the expense of Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphins and Dopamine. In the case of pre Covid-19 it’s the conditions that drive up CD38, oxidative stress, and continual hyperglycemic events and undiagnosed subclinical pellagra (hard to diagnose) which all reduce NAD+. Basically our diet and lifestyle set us up for Covid-19 and can’t save us post Covid-19.”
Ade said, “The anxiety is because the body is using all the tryptophan to make NAD+.”
COVID depletes your NAD+. The body depletes tryptophan trying to make NAD+. This causes post-COVID anxiety. You can treat CISP and post-COVID anxiety with niacin.
B3 Deficiency and Anxiety Disorders
The anxiety disorder caused by COVID-19 is also related to undiagnosed subclinical pellagra. Most Americans have a niacin (Vitamin B3) deficiency before they contract COVID. Though the virus may make the niacin deficiency more obvious, many non-COVID related anxiety disorders can also be treated with niacin.
In the US, the largest source of niacin in most diets is from fortified breakfast cereal. They spray vitamins, including Niacin, on the outside surface of the cereal. You would need to eat 100 bowls of Wheaties a day to make-up for a niacin deficiency (not recommended).
Stress uses up NAD+, depleting the tryptophan further, thus compounding the feeling of anxiety. The main ingredient of Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is niacin. The best method for treating anxiety caused by depleted NAD+ and tryptophan is to replenish the niacin.
Robert and Ade explain to me how to supplement my niacin and create NAD+ — COVID, Vitamin B3, and the Immune System.