Long-COVID: Elevated Cytokines and Low Iron


By Daniel Brouse

The study, titled “Iron Dysregulation and Inflammatory Stress Erythropoiesis Associated with Long-Term Outcome of COVID-19,” reveals that Long-COVID is linked to elevated levels of C-reactive protein and prolonged elevation of cytokines compared to healthy controls. The research indicates that the duration of inflammation and the regulation of low iron levels after acute infection are crucial factors associated with long COVID. Individuals with a slower resolution of inflammation and more severe initial infections face an increased risk of developing long COVID.

Iron dysregulation is a common occurrence after infections, as the body swiftly moves iron out of the bloodstream to prevent it from becoming a potential breeding ground for harmful bacteria. The study suggests that defects in iron homeostasis, dysregulated erythropoiesis, and immune dysfunction resulting from COVID-19 may contribute to inefficient oxygen transport, inflammatory imbalances, persistent symptoms, and could potentially be addressed through therapeutic interventions.

The iron dysfunction observed in COVID-19 is indicative of an underlying issue within the immune system. While supplementing iron may address the symptom of low iron levels, it does not directly tackle the root cause. The exact nature of the root cause remains unclear, and questions persist regarding the presence of active virus, remnants of an inactive virus, or potential epigenetic changes influencing the immune response.

A more concerning aspect of COVID-19 is the elevated cytokine levels. The information on autoimmune diseases emphasizes that an excessive release of cytokines, which are signaling molecules involved in immune responses, can lead to an exaggerated inflammatory response. This heightened inflammation has the potential to damage tissues and contribute to autoimmune diseases, where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells.

A “worst-case scenario” involves COVID-19 triggering a persistent autoimmune condition comparable to AIDS or Lyme Disease. Such a condition could involve the immune system continuously attacking healthy cells, causing irreversible organ damage, impacting overall quality of life, and potentially leading to premature death. Efforts to understand and address these complexities are crucial for developing effective treatments and mitigating long-term consequences of COVID-19.

The study: Iron dysregulation and inflammatory stress erythropoiesis associates with long-term outcome of COVID-19

Science Based Information on COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Novel Coronavirus

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